
IT Center Changes

CLAIX-2023 in operation

05. April 2024 | von

After a successful pilot phase, CLAIX-2023 is in operation. The new system is available to all projects now. In order to submit jobs to the CLAIX-2023 HPC segment, please use one of the new partitions in your scripts. The used resources will be accounted on your project contingents (e.g., „SBATCH -A rwthXXXX“).

Please also note: The end of life of CLAIX-2018 is imminent. Thus, we recommend to start using CLAIX-2023 as soon as possible.

Please contact servicedesk@itc.rwth-aachen.de for any further questions.


You can track any disruptions or security advisories that may occur due to the aforementioned change in the Email category on our status reporting portal.

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