
IT Center Events

HPC Consultation Hour #18

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This will take place online 4-weekly. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage of systems and […]

5th Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #1

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

Introduction to interactive HPC with JupyterHub

Online , Deutschland

Abstract The HPC JupyterHub service at the RWTH allows all eligible users of the RWTH Compute Cluster to utilize the existing compute hardware interactively with the use of Jupyter Notebooks. This HPC JupyterHub provides customization of Profiles with a variety of programming kernels, software packages, and hardware definitions. This workshop will showcase the HPC JupyterHub […]

HPC Consultation Hour #19

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #2

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

Parallel Computing with MATLAB 1

Online , Deutschland

Speeding up your MATLAB Code on local parallel hardware. Live Session: Tuesday May 2nd, 2 PM – 5 PM (3 hours) Instructor: Dr. Thomas Künzel, The MathWorks Academia Team This workshop will focus on speeding up MATLAB on local desktop machines with Parallel Computing Toolbox. You will be introduced to parallel and GPU computing language […]

Parallel Computing with MATLAB 2

Online , Deutschland

Using MATLAB on the RWTH IT Center HPC-Cluster Live Session: Tuesday May 9th, 2 PM – 5 PM (3 hours) Instructor: Raymond Norris, The MathWorks Application Engineering (Parallel Computing) With MATLAB and the MATLAB Parallel Server, researchers can use the familiar MATLAB environment to run computationally intensive MATLAB programs efficiently on computer clusters. This hands-on […]

Introduction to Research Software Development with MATLAB

Online , Deutschland

Introduction to Research Software Development with MATLAB Live Session: Thursday May 16th, 2 PM – 5 PM (3 hours) Instructor: Dr. Thomas Künzel, The MathWorks Academia Team As a (junior-) scientist you wear many hats. Among many other things you often must be a bit of a software developer to tackle the analytical problems that […]

Low-Code AI with MATLAB

Online , Deutschland

Building AI workflows interactively. Live Session: Thursday May 25th, 2 PM – 4 PM (2 hours) Instructor: Dr. Kathi Kugler, The MathWorks Academia Team In this training you will learn how you can apply AI in your field without extensive knowledge in programming. This hands-on session includes a quick recap on the fundamentals of AI […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #3

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

Deep Learning with Images in MATLAB

Online , Deutschland

Flipped Classroom: Online Training & Live Session Online Training: Self-paced, approximately 2 hours Live Session: Tuesday June 6th, 2 PM – 3:30 PM (90 minutes) Instructor: Dr. Franziska Albers, The MathWorks Academia Team   In this training you will learn how to apply deep learning in MATLAB using image classification as an example. We will […]