
IT Center Events

1st Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

2nd Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

3rd Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

4th Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

5th Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]