Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’
Invitation from the SC Berlin: Summer School and Workshop on Energy Based Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Complex Physical Systems
The Student Chapter of TU Berlin invited members of the SIAM Student Chapter Aachen to join their Summer School and Workshop on
Energy Based Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Complex Physical Systems
More information can be found here.
Career Path Panel Discussion
SIAM SC proudly presents our first Career Path Panel Discussion with representatives from academia and industry!
SIAM SC @ German Aerospace Day 2015, DLR Cologne
The SIAM Student Chapter Aachen will go to the German Aerospace Day 2015 at DLR Cologne.
WHEN: Sunday, 20.09.2015
Departure: 08:18am Aachen HBF, platform 3
Don’t miss that great chance to visit DLR Cologne, get to know the research institutes and take a look at the DLR research fleet!
Click here for more information!
SIAM SC @ von Karman Institute, Brussels
The SIAM Student Chapter Aachen will visit the von Karman Insitute in Brussels. We will be able to take a look at the laboratories and different wind tunnels and will be guided through the Aeronautics and Aerospace Department.
WHEN: Friday morning, 04.09.2015
WHERE: The VKI is located in Brussels, we will start as a group from Aachen.
More information can be found at the event entry.
Seminar on Technology and Society
We invite everyone to our new seminar series Seminar on Technology and Society that will start this friday (August 21) at 11am in R115 of the Rogowski building. Here’s the schedule for the upcoming talks:
- History of Artificial Intelligence: Movies + Examples (21.08.2015, Julian & Malte)
- Definition of AI (28.08.2015, already at 10am, Loic & Eduard)
- Machine learning (11.09.2015, Thomas)
- Big Data & Machine Learning (18.09.2015, Fabian)
- Google’s deep Learning (25.09.2015, Jeyahsree)
- Industrial vs. digital Revolution (tba, Michael)
- Threats and Challenges (tba, Sheng Ying)