We updated our data privacy agreement and the terms of use for the service “RWTH High Performance Computing”:
One major change is that we have two separate data privacy agreements now:
- One for the RWTH Compute Cluster and the RWTH JARDS online portal.
- One for the NHR JARDS online portal.
This change is necessary, because the NHR JARDS online portal will be used by all national HPC centers (NHR) in future.
We believe all documents are in the interest of our users and enable a fair, productive and secure usage of our HPC resources. Thus, your consent is assumed. Otherwise, you can delete your HPC account at any time:
The changes come into force at June 1st, 2023.
If you have any questions or problems, the colleagues at the IT-ServiceDesk (servicedesk@itc.rwth-aachen.de) will be happy to help you.
You can track any disruptions or security advisories that may occur due to the aforementioned change in the RWTH-HPC category on our status reporting portal.