
IT Center Changes

HPC Cluster: Linux Kernel Upgrade

August 25th, 2023 | by

The Linux Kernel on the CLAIX18 compute nodes is being upgraded to kernel version 4.18.0-477.21.1. To maximise the availability of the compute cluster, the mandatory reboot of the nodes is scheduled as a reboot job, thus allowing all already submitted and running jobs for completion before the upgrade takes place.

Please note that the reboot is prioritised over other jobs, and some nodes may be temporarily unavailable after the reboot.

Best regards,
Your HPC-Team@RWTH

You can track any disruptions or security advisories that may occur due to the aforementioned change in the Email category on our status reporting portal.

Change in SSH Configuration: Depreciation of Insecure Methods, Addition of New Methods

August 4th, 2023 | by

As the result of a recent security evaluation, we have decided to disable several methods in key exchange, message authentication codes and encryption ciphers classified insecure/weak which obsoletes the following methods and method groups as listed below. In general, we have disabled SHA-1-based methods since SHA-1 is broken since early 2017 (cf. Stevens et al.: “The first collision for Full SHA-1”).

We kindly ask you to update your client configuration accordingly since these methods cannot be used anymore to access the RWTH Aachen HPC Cluster until further notice: Read the rest of this entry »

Resource limits on HPC dialog systems changed

July 31st, 2023 | by

We have reduced the per-user-resource limits for main memory on the HPC dialog systems ( etc.). A single user can now only use about 25% of the available main memory, i.e. 96GB for most of our servers. On login18-x-1 and login18-x-2, as before, only 16 GB are available to each user.


Changes to Abaqus Batch Jobs

July 14th, 2023 | by

Today, we have made several major changes to the Abaqus configuration on the RWTH-HPC systems. These changes include an automatic configuration of many batch job parameters which previously have been generated on-the-fly as part of the example batch script we described in Abaqus documentation .
With this new setup, users should experience less problems when starting Abaqus batch jobs and receive descriptive error messages including suggested solutions when something goes wrong during configuration. These changes only affect Abaqus 2020 and newer.

Do I need to change my batch scripts?

No. The previous example batch scripts still work. However, you may omit the part that generates a local abaqus_v6.env file. If such a file exists in the job’s working directory, its settings will override the system settings but in most cases these are identical as of now.

What to do if I experience problems?

If you have trouble running the Abaqus GUI on a frontend node, please make sure to delete the abaqus_v6.env file from the working directory. Alternatively, you can try starting the GUI from another directory. If you still experience problems or if your batch jobs behave in an unexpected fashion, please report the issue to

OS Upgrade to Rocky 8.8

July 11th, 2023 | by

Dear users of the cluster,


** July 17, 2023 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. **

there will be a maintenance where we will update the current operating system Rocky Linux 8.7 to Rocky Linux 8.8. The front ends will also be updated, so you will not be able to log into the cluster or access your data.

However, there is an exception to this. The MFA test engine login18-4 will remain accessible, but you will only be able to log in there with a second factor [1]. Temporarily, however, $HPCWORK will also be unreachable here, as the Lustre file system is also undergoing maintenance.

We do not expect that you will have to recompile your software or change your job scripts. So your jobs should start normally after the end of the maintenance.


With best regards
Your HPC Team @ RWTH


June 27th, 2023 | by

CLAIX-2016 already reached its end of life for a while. For convenience reasons we still operate the following systems:

  1. CLAIX-2016 dialog (“login”) nodes:
  2. Data Transfer node:
  3. CLAIX-2016-SMP nodes (144 cores, 2TB main memory):

We will switch off all remaining nodes on **July, 10th 2013**. Please use CLAIX-2018 login / transfer nodes in future:

Name change for TURBOMOLE modules

June 9th, 2023 | by

Previously, we offered TURBOMOLE modules unter the name of turbomolex to designate the availability of the TmoleX GUI. To conform with our new naming scheme which takes the software developers/vendors’ branding into account and to avoid unnecessary confusion, we have decided to rename this module to TURBOMOLE.

We will support the old module name for some time to give users enough time to adjust and to prevent disruptions.

New Terms of Use and Data Privacy Agreement

May 25th, 2023 | by

We updated our data privacy agreement and the terms of use for the service “RWTH High Performance Computing”:

* Privacy Notice

* Terms of Use

One major change is that we have two separate data privacy agreements now:

  1. One for the RWTH Compute Cluster and the RWTH JARDS online portal.
  2. One for the NHR JARDS online portal.

This change is necessary, because the NHR JARDS online portal will be used by all national HPC centers (NHR) in future.

We believe all documents are in the interest of our users and enable a fair, productive and secure usage of our HPC resources. Thus, your consent is assumed. Otherwise, you can delete your HPC account at any time:

The changes come into force at June 1st, 2023.

If you have any questions or problems, the colleagues at the IT-ServiceDesk ( will be happy to help you.


You can track any disruptions or security advisories that may occur due to the aforementioned change in the RWTH-HPC category on our status reporting portal.

EOL CentOS Software Environment

April 25th, 2023 | by

As announced, the old CentOS software stack will reach its end of life on April, 30th. Beginning with May 2nd, this means the following:

  • No submission to CentOS nodes will be possible anymore.
  • All CLAIX-2018 login / dialog nodes will be migrated to Rocky 8 Linux, lmod and the new software stack.
  • Jobs submitted to CentOS nodes before May 1st will be scheduled to the remaining CentOS batch nodes on a best-effort basis, without guarantee for start or completion within the remaining lifetime of those nodes. We strongly recommend to submit all new jobs to the new Rocky 8 environment as of now.

Please find the overview of changes with Rocky Linux 8 here.

You can track any disruptions or security advisories that may occur due to the aforementioned change in the RWTH-HPC category on our status reporting portal.



April 25th, 2023 | by

Due to a hardware failure the dialog system

is no longer usable. Please use the dialog systems from CLAIX18 (Login Nodes) in the future.


You can track any disruptions or security advisories that may occur due to the aforementioned change in the RWTH-HPC category on our status reporting portal.