
IT Center Events

RWTHjupyter Community Treffen


Name: RWTHjupyter Community Treffen Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 06. Juli 2023 Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr Ort: Zoom https://rwth.zoom.us/j/62491910328?pwd=aG1BUjlyUXRycFpIN2VCWVlyaE55QT09 Meeting-ID: 624 9191 0328 Kenncode: 393451 Zielgruppe: RWTHjupyter Nutzende und Interessierte Kosten: Kostenfrei Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich   Beschreibung  Seit Sommer 2021 finden regelmäßig RWTHjupyter Community Treffen statt mit dem Zweck des Austauschs zwischen Nutzer/innen, Entwickler/innen und Betreiber/innen dieser interaktiven […]

Introduction to interactive HPC with JupyterHub at the RWTH

Online , Deutschland

Abstract The HPC JupyterHub service at the RWTH allows all eligible users of the RWTH Compute Cluster to utilize the existing compute hardware interactively with the use of Jupyter Notebooks. This HPC JupyterHub provides customization of Profiles with a variety of programming kernels, software packages, and hardware definitions. This workshop will showcase the HPC JupyterHub […]

HPC Consultation Hour #21

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #5

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

HPC Consultation Hour #22

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #6

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

MATSE-Ersti-Veranstaltung 2023

IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen, NRW, Deutschland

Name: MATSE-Ersti-Veranstaltung 2023 Veranstaltungsart: intern Datum: 04. und 06. September 2023 Uhrzeit: ganztägig Ort: IT Center  Zielgruppe: neue MATSE-Auszubildende sowie ältere MATSE-Jahrgänge   Beschreibung Am 04. September 2023 werden die neuen MATSE-Auszubildenden am IT Center offiziell begrüßt. Nach der Begrüßung und Einführung in die MATSE-Ausbildung, findet die MATSE-Rallye statt, um nicht nur die Wege und Räume im IT Center kennenzulernen, sondern […]

RWTH Adminrunde September 2023

Microsoft Teams

Name: RWTH Adminrunde September 2023 Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 20. September  Uhrzeit: 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr Ort: Microsoft Teams Zielgruppe: Admins der RWTH Aachen und alle weiteren Interessierten   Beschreibung Die nächste Adminrunde findet am Mittwoch, den 20. September 2023 von 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr per Videokonferenz statt. Allgemeine Infos zur RWTH Adminrunde   Agenda 1. Allgemeine Rahmenbedingungen für Ticket-Tools 2. […]

HPC Consultation Hour #23

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #7

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

HPC Consultation Hour #24

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

NHR4CES: CFD Training Series: Efficient HPC implementation for Lagrangian particle tracking

Online , Deutschland

Name: CFD Training Series: Efficient HPC implementation for Lagrangian particle tracking Date: October 26, 2023  Time: 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm Format: hybrid More Information     Description Short abstract: In this course, the basics of Lagrangian point particle methods for the application on HPC systems are covered. The course consists of an introduction to […]