

Further Offers for Service Operations and Vacation Arrangements During Lockdown (December 16, 2020 to January 8, 2021)

December 14th, 2020 | by

In order to reduce the need for transportation to and from the workplace as much as possible, we have created the following offers or arrangements.

December 16 to 18

Work that can be undertaken from home:
Home office obligation

Work that cannot be undertaken from home:

December 21 to 23

Work that can be undertaken from home:
Home office obligation

Work that cannot be undertaken from home:
If an employee takes vacation or a corresponding amount of their time credit for two working days, the third working day will be granted for continuing training or annual preparation from their home office. The specific details of this must be agreed upon with the respective managers.

December 28 to 30

Work that can be undertaken from home:
Home office obligation

Work that cannot be undertaken from home:
If no vacation or time credit is, or can be, taken, the employee must catch up on the “indebted time” in 2021.

January 4 to 8

Work that can be undertaken from home:
Home office obligation

Work that cannot be undertaken from home:


If the entire week’s vacation or time credit is taken, one day will be credited as extra vacation (even if time credit is used). If employees absolutely have to work on certain days (e.g. due to teaching), these days will also be credited as vacation. Employees who absolutely cannot take leave for the entire week (e.g. University security) will also be credited with an additional day’s leave.

The respective managers will decide on the definition of absolute necessity to work, which must be interpreted very closely.


  • Vacation from January 4 to 8 = 4 days of vacation and one day off work
  • Vacation from January 4 to 8, but absolutely necessary work on January 6 (e.g. supervising a lecture) = 3 vacation days, one day off work relieved of duties, one working day
  • Vacation on January, 4 and 5, working from home (non-mandatory) January 6 and 7,  but January 8 requires absolutely necessary work = 2 days of vacation, no day off relieved of duties, and three working days

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