Industry Meets Mathematics Spring 2022
Save the date: on Friday, April 8, 4 pm the SIAM Student Chapter Aachen hosts again the Industry Meets Mathematics event. We are excited to welcome speakers from Deutsche Telekom, AlixPartners, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, and Gurobi Optimization who will talk about how they apply mathematics in every day work life and answer your questions!
Please refer to the enclosed poster for the venue and starting time. More information to come.
We are excited to announce a joint event by the SIAM Student Chapters of Heidelberg, Magdeburg, Potsdam, and ourselves. Together, we’ve found fearless presenters who will face you and show you their work in an inspiring fashion. But only for 3 minutes. You’ll have the great honor to be on the jury for the best presentations. After the SIAM Slam, we’ll have an open-end get-together with games and quizzes. As always with online events nowadays: BYOB!
What is it?
- Different presenters from all over Germany will inspire us with their research in 3 minute talks!
When and where?
- On 10th June 2021 at 6:00 pm
- Zoom:
- Meeting-ID: 67052138399
- Passcode: 74212881
We are looking forward to welcome you there!
Career Path Panel Discussion
We would like to invite you to our 6th Career Path Panel Discussion.
What is it?
- Four guests from industry and academia present their career paths and answer your questions, e.g., concerning career planing, switching from academia to industry, family & career. etc.
Who are the guests?
- Dr. Dagmar Schaefer, team coach, Saint-Gobain Research Germany
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Naumann, full professor, Software and Tools for Computational Engineering, RWTH Aachen University
- Eckhard Wehrse, resident in radiology, German Cancer Research Center
- Dr. Heiko Weichelt, senior software engineer, MathWorks
When and where?
- Thursday, 15th April at 17:00
- zoom:
- Meeting-ID: 938 2677 2850
- PW: 580490
We are looking foward to welcom you there!
Science Jeopardy and Science Scribble – zoom edition
The chapter invites you to our fourth edition of the famous Science Jeopardy! and our first Science Scribble tournament! This time it will be held via zoom on Friday 4th of December at 8pm. To register, please write a mail to . The zoom-link will be send on Friday morning. No worries if you don’t know the games. They will be explained in the beginning. See you there!
The Meeting of European SIAM and GAMM Student Chapters
The SIAM Chapter Aachen hosts the Meeting of European SIAM and GAMM Student Chapters 2019.
There are still some free slots for your presentation: register until August 31st.

Industry Meets Mathematics
Today, the SIAM Student Chapter Aachen again hosts the Industry Meets Mathematics event. We are excited to welcome Dr. Kärcher from NavVis ( and Dr. Droste from INFORM ( as our guests.
Dr. Kärcher will talk about “Indoor visual positioning and navigation at NavVis”. In his presentation, he will give insights into how to calculate the position of a user taking pictures of his surroundings – a necessity for indoor navigation.
Our guest from INFORM, Dr. Droste, presents “Optimizing Real-World Problems”. This talk is about modeling production planning as a mixed integer program in order to plan production jobs on interdependent capacitated machines while minimizing backlog, holding, as well as setup costs and how to solve those problems despite millions of variables and constraints.
Please refer to the enclosed poster for the venue and starting time.

Recap of the IMM Special: Google
Last Thursday we had the pleasure to host a special edition of our IMM (Industry Meets Mathematics). Jonathan Wellons from Google Zürich gave a presentation on “TensorFlow: Applying Neural Networks to the Arts”, covering the fundamental principles of Neural Networks, and TensorFlow, as well as some fascinating applications to art, music and object recognition. Besides, Jonathan gave some insights into Google’s recruiting process and answered all our questions. We thank Jonathan and all students for participating!
PS: Here are some visuals from the event.
Industry Meets Mathematics Special: Google
It’s our pleasure to invite you to an “Industry Meets Mathematics Special: Google”. Meet one of the Googlers at this tech talk on November 29th from 4pm to 5pm (room 149, Hauptgebäude, Templergraben 55). The presentation is about “TensorFlow: Applying Neural Networks to the Arts” and will cover some of the fundamental principles of Neural Networks, and TensorFlow, an open-source implementation of them. The talk will also include applications to art, music and object recognition.
See you there!
SIAM SC BBQ, Elections, and the Award of the Certificate of Recognition
On Thursday, 19th July 2018, we held a BBQ on the lawn behind the
Rogowski building to mark the start of a new year in the SIAM Student Chapter.
The weather had been great, especially for Aachen standards, and the grill
worked overtime. We hereby like to thank the people from AIA for kindly lending
us the grill and the beer table set.
During the BBQ (as well as a view days in advance), the officers for the
upcoming year 2018/2019 could be elected online. The election resulted in the
following officers:
- President: Christian Bauer (NLD)
- Vice-President: Anna Thünen (IGPM)
- Secretary: Jannick Wolters (MathCCES)
- Treasurer: Nicole Nellesen (AICES)
In the name of the elected officers I’d like to thank the voters for
participating in this years election process and for the trust you have placed
in us.
The BBQ was topped with the award of the certificate of recognition to Roland
Siegbert. He had been one of the founders and the first president of the RWTH SIAM
Student Chapter. With this certificate we would like to thank him for his
engagement. For without him and the first generation of officers, we
wouldn’t be here today.
We would like to thank everybody for their active participation in the past,
and look forward to the new year with the newly-elected officers.
Here are some impressions of the event:
SIAM Chapter Meets SIAM President
Some weeks ago we had the great pleasure to meet the president of SIAM, Prof. Higham from Manchester University. After a spontaneous sightseeing tour through Aachen city center, we enjoyed a cozy dinner in Aachen old town.
We thank Prof. Higham for a great evening with lots of interesting discussions.