
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘RADIUS’

WiFi News – Part 3: New Root, Old WiFi

June 30th, 2023 | by
Router, notepad, and smartphone

Source: Freepik

On May 23, 2023, the server certificate of our authentication server “” had expired. For that reason a new certificate was implemented in the system. In the first post of this blog series we informed you about this.

Now a larger change is coming up: In the future, the new certification instance GÉANT/TCS will be used and replace DFN-PKI Global. As a consequence a new Radius certificate and certification chain will be used. This migration will take place on August 1, 2023.

Eduroam will be affected with regard to registration and configuration. The exact background and what you have to do, to continue using eduroam, we will explain in the following blog post. Read the rest of this entry »


WiFi News – Part 1: New Certificate for the RADIUS Server

May 17th, 2023 | by
Front view of smartphone and WiFi router

Source: Freepik

For the expiration of the server certificate of our authentication server the certificate on the system will be exchanged on May 23, 2023. This has already been announced in the status message portal.

You will be affected by these changes the next time you log in to eduroam. What you have to do to continue using the WiFi, we explain in the following blog post.

Read the rest of this entry »
