
Citavi-Blog der Unibib

NEW: Citavi Training in English!

13. Mai 2024 | von

Citavi is a multi-purpose reference management software tool which provides users with a range of features for arranging and recording references. In a 90-minute course, we will provide you with all the information you need to get started with Citavi for Windows. The first online training course will take place on 20.8.2024, from noon to 1.30 pm.

You will get an overview of the following functions:

  • Installation of Citavi for Windows and accessing the campus license
  • Creating a project
  • Adding references
  • Organizing knowledge items
  • Citavi Word add-in

You can find the registration link and further information on our website: https://www.ub.rwth-aachen.de/cms/ub/studium/schulungen/kurstermine/~raut/einzelansicht/?file=9-17215&lidx=1

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