
IT Center Events

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

HPC Events : HPC-Adminmeeting

January 7th, 2021 | by

Monday, November 27, 2017, 10:00am – 4pm  (the event will be held in German language)


Das HPC-Admintreffen dient der Förderung des Austauschs unter den HPC-Administrierenden in NRW.

Probleme und Lösungsansätze im Bereich HPC-Administration werden diskutiert.

Folgende Themen sind für die Agenda geplant:

  • Singularity-Container im HPC-Cluster
  • Wechsel von Workloadmanagement Systemen
  • Lösungen für die bundesweite Öffnung/Authentifizierung
  • Austausch zu NFS4/Kerberos, parallelen Filesystemen, Backup-Konzepten, SW-Stack Anwendungssoftware.


Die Anmeldung ist geschlossen


  • Mit dem Auto

Für Ihre Anreise mit dem Auto nutzen Sie bitte einen Routenplaner Ihrer Wahl.
Kopernikusstraße 6, 52074 Aachen
GPS: N 50°46’51” E6°03’57”

  • Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

Das IT Center ist gut mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar. Planen Sie Ihre Anreise mit den Auskunftsplänen der Deutschen Bahn und den aktuellen Angaben zum Fahrplan des Aachener Verkehrsverbundes.

Haltestellen: “Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße” oder “Seffenter Weg” (Linie 3A, 3B, 33, 73), Westbahnhof (Nah-/Regionalverkehr der DB) fußläufig in 6 Minuten erreichbar.


HPC Events : NAG Fortran Modernization Workshop

January 7th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Fortran Modernization Workshop

Two day course

June, Thursday 7 – Friday 8, 2018, 9:00-17:00

IT  Center RWTH Aachen University

Kopernikusstraße 6

Seminar Room 001

Workshop Postprocessing

This two day practical hands-on workshop is aimed at Fortran programmers who want to write modern code, or to modernize existing codes, to make it more readable and maintainable by encouraging good software engineering practices. This workshop will also present how to integrate tools and techniques for Fortran codes to help you develop sustainable software for your scientific and academic research particularly in a collaborative environment. Overall, the aim is to make you a better and more productive computational scientist by improving your applied computer science skills that are directly relevant to computational science.


Please note that part of the registration data will be shared with NAG and NAG may use the data of participants after the workshop to get feedback and to communicate relative information.

Please register here >>>

Topics will include:
  • Modern Fortran standards and how to write optimized and efficient Fortran;
  • NetCDF and HDF5 scientific file formats for data sharing in Fortran;
  • GNU Automake to automate the build process;
  • pFUnit unit testing framework for testing Fortran codes;
  • Fortran Documenter tool for Fortran code documentation;
  • Git version control for collaborative code development;
  • In-situ visualisation using PLplot in Fortran;
  • IEEE Floating Point Exception Handling;
  • Software verification and portability using the NAG Fortran Compiler;
  • Fortran interoperability with C, Python and R;
  • Introduction to parallelism for Fortran;
  • Fortran code verification using the CamFort tool;
  • Introduction to the NAG Fortran library.

The workshop will be run completely free of charge.

Participants will have to bring their laptop and will log into a fully configured Linux server (using SSH) for the exercises. If your laptop is running Windows you can use MobaXterm (external link), on Linux/MacOS no additional Software is needed.

All other material will be provided. Basic knowledge of Fortran (either 77 or 90+) is required. The presentations will be given in English.

Supplementary documentation

Below is some supplementary documentation for the workshop (external links)

Similar  Courses

Please contact (link sends e-mail) if you are interested in hosting this workshop or if you have further queries regarding the course.

Travel Information

Please make your own hotel reservation. You may find a list of hotels in Aachen on the web pages of Aachen Tourist Service.  We recommend that you try to book a room at the Novotel Aachen City, Mercure am Graben or Aachen Best Western Regence hotels. These are nice hotels with reasonable prices within walking distance (20-30 minutes, see city map) from the IT Center through the old city of Aachen. An alternative is the IBIS Aachen Marschiertor hotel, located close to the main station, which is convenient if you are traveling by train and also prefer to commute to the IT Center by train (4 trains per hour, 2 stops).

Please, download a sketch of the city (pdf, 415 KB) with some points of interest marked.
You may find a description of how to reach us by plane, train or car here.
Bus lines 33 and 73 connect the city (central bus station) and the Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße bus stop 6 times per hour.
Most trains between Aachen and Düsseldorf stop at station Aachen West, which is 10 minutes walk away from the IT Center.
From the bus stop and the train station just walk up Seffenter Weg. The first building on the left side at the junction with Kopernikusstraße is the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University. The event will take place in the extension building located at Kopernikusstraße 6.
The weather in Aachen is usually unpredictable. It is always a good idea to carry an umbrella. If you’ll bring one, it might be sunny.

Paul Kapinos
Tel.: +49 (241) 80-24915
Fax/UMS: +49 (241) 80-624915

HPC Events : NEC SX-Aurora Workshop

January 7th, 2021 | by










Aurora Deep Dive Workshop

Programming for SX-Aurora TSUBASA


May, Thu 2 – Fr 3, 2019

  11:30 am to about 2 pm




IT Center  RWTH Aachen University

Kopernikusstraße 6

Seminar Room 3





The NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA is a new vector processor based accelerator for HPC workloads. Since this vector engine (VE) provides a very high memory bandwidth (1.2 TB/s), it is a very promising architecture for memory bound applications. The VE is provided as a PCIe card in a x86-64 server. Each VE is equipped with 8 cores. This workshop provides detailed information about the Aurora Architecture. Experts from NEC will present the programming environment and the different  execution models including hints for performance tuning. The attendees of the workshop have the opportunity to explore the system by working on provided hands-on or bringing their own code.


Date: Thursday 2nd – Friday 3rd May 2019.

Location: IT Center, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Room: Seminar Room 3, Kopernikusstraße 6

Organizer: NEC and RWTH Aachen University


May 2nd Thursday

                11:30 – 13:00                        Registration and Lunch

                13:00 – 13:45                        Aurora Architecture Deep Dive (Shintaro Momose)

                13:45 – 14:30                        VEOS basics, tweaking and news (Erich Focht)

                                                             Part I: VEOS high level design

                                                             Part II: VEOS Intro

                14:30 – 14:45                        Break

                14:45 – 15:45                        User contributions: 10-15min each

                                                             Aurora Experiments (Kurt Lust)

                                                             Aurora: User Experience (Daniel Schürhoff)

                                                             Using the NEC Aurora Workshop System for APES framework (Kannan Masilamani)

                                                             VASP and NEC SX (Bernhard Eck)

                                                             Demands on HPC/Aurora in CFD (Arne Rempke)

                15:45 – 16:15                       Tutorial part 1 (Christian Weiss)

                16:30 – 18:00                        Hands-on 1 (Christian Weiss, Felix Uhl, Rene Puttin)


                19:00 –                                  Dinner sponsored by NEC                                                                      

May 3rd Friday

                08:30 – 09:00                       Tutorial part 2 (Christian Weiss)

                09:00 – 10:30                       Hands-on 2 (Christian Weiss, Felix Uhl, Rene Puttin)

                10:30 – 10:45                       Break

                10:45 – 11:30                       Aurora offloading (Erich Focht)

                11:30 – 12:00                       AI on Aurora (Erich Focht)

                12:00 – 13:00                       Q & A & Finger Food (all) 


Bring Your Own Code

All attendees have the opportunity to bring their own code and get assistance from the NEC experts for code porting and performance tuning. If you want to bring your own code please keep in mind to prepare a small, but representative data set. We have 8 VE (8 cores and 48 GB memory each) available. Since we have to share the VEs with all attendees the data set should not use more than 8-16 MPI processes and less than 48 to 96 GB. Furthermore, the runtime should be about 10 minutes (or less). If you want to prepare your code or data in our environment before the workshop begins, please contact Tim Cramer <> for an individual test account.


The Dinner will be in the restaurant Palladion in the historical city of Aachen. Address:

Restaurant Palladion
Schmiedstraße 3
52062 Aachen


Please register here >>> Please register until Friday, April 12, 2019 April 19, 2019


Tim Cramer or

Oliver Tennert

Travel Information

Please make your own hotel reservation. You may find a list of hotels in Aachen on the web pages of Aachen Tourist Service.  We recommend that you try to book a room at the INNSIDE Aachen, Novotel Aachen City, Mercure am Graben or Aachen Best Western Regence hotels. These are nice hotels with reasonable prices within walking distance (20-30 minutes, see city map) from the IT Center through the old city of Aachen. An alternative is the IBIS Aachen Marschiertor hotel, located close to the main station, which is convenient if you are traveling by train and also prefer to commute to the IT Center by train (4 trains per hour, 2 stops).

Please, download a sketch of the city (pdf, 415 KB) with some points of interest marked.
You may find a description of how to reach us by plane, train or car here.
Bus lines 33 and 73 connect the city (central bus station) and the Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße bus stop 6 times per hour.
Most trains between Aachen and Düsseldorf stop at station Aachen West, which is 10 minutes walk away from the IT Center.
From the bus stop and the train station just walk up Seffenter Weg. The first building on the left side at the junction with Kopernikusstraße is the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University. The event will take place in the extension building located at Kopernikusstraße 6.
The weather in Aachen is usually unpredictable. It is always a good idea to carry an umbrella. If you’ll bring one, it might be sunny.


HPC Events : Workshop on Artificial Intelligence

January 7th, 2021 | by


Workshop on Artificial Intelligence   

Thursday, December 06, 2018 

10:00h to 16:30h

IT Center, RWTH Aachen University,

Kopernikusstrasse 6 / Seminarraum 003 

sponsored by:

The workshop was fully booked !


   After  the workshop, please provide your feedback here >>>  
(click on ” Respond to this Survey“)


Artificial intelligence (AI) technology like Machine learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL) are today more and more used to solve a wide range of use cases.

The HPC cluster at RWTH can be used for applications using various AI methods.

This workshop gave the participants an overview on AI covering different methods like classical ML and DL, and introduced the use of DL on (Intel) CPU based HPC cluster. The presentations were rounded-up by live demos.

Mr Stephan Gillich (Dir. AI and Technical Computing GTM EMEA, Intel Deutschland GmbH) and his colleagues Atanas Atanasov and Sarosh Quraishi (Technical Solution Specialists, Intel Deutschland GmbH) were complemented by experts from the HPC Team  of the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University.


  • 10:00 – 10:45  Welcome,  RWTH goals and specific interests (RWTH) – slides1, slides2
  • 10:45 – 12:00  AI overview and deep learning frameworks on a cluster (Intel) – slides
        • We will cover a few fundamental things on AI and the various techniques like ML and DL and take a closer look at how we can help customers on their AI journey
  • 12:00 – 13:30:  lunch break
  • 13-30 – ~15:30:  Faster ML and DL with optimised frameworks (Intel)
        • After first introducing libraries and tool for classical Machine Learning and Analytics and Deep Learning, we will mainly cover and demonstrate technical best practices for faster time to solution, including scale-out training leveraging the performance of multiple datacenter nodes – slides
        • demo/hands-on – slides
  • 15:30 – 15:45  Coffee Break
  • 15:45 – 16:30  Inference solutions. (Intel)
        • The Inference side of deep learning using an optimized framework setup including  the OpenVINO™ (Open Visual Inference & Neural network Optimization)  – slides
  • 16:30 – 17:00  Q&A (all)

Prerequisites and your Preparation

Participants from RWTH Aachen University were welcome, but also participants from other universities or industrial companies.

The presentations were given in English.

Course Material

Welcome – C. Terboven (pdf, 0.7 MB)

Introduction – M. Widmer (pdf , 4MB)

Slides of the morning session (pdf, 6 MB)

Optimized-Frameworks (pdf, 4.7 MB)

Slides for the afternoon hands-on session (pdf, 1.5 MB)

OpenVINO-Deep-Dive (pdf, 1,7 MB)

Lab (pdf, 3 MB)

Lab Sources (GigaMove Download Link to zip file (11 MB)  – until Jan 24, 2019 ) expired!!


The seminar room is of limited capacity, therefore allocation is on a first come, first served basis.

The workshop was fully booked !

Please contact Paul Kapinos ( if you have trouble to port your application to the HPC Cluster.

The workshop was on December 06. 2018 from 10:00h to ~16:30h.

Attendance of the course was free of charge and supported by our sponsors. All other costs (e.g. travel, hotel) were at own expenses.

Links to other Tuning Events 

Travel Information

If required, please make your own hotel reservation.You can find some popular hotels listed here. You may find a complete list of hotels on the web pages of the Aachen Tourist Service. We recommend that you try to book a room in the “Novotel Aachen City“, ” Mercure am Graben” or “Aachen Best Western Regence” hotels. These are adequate hotels with reasonable prices at a walking distance (20-30 minutes) to the IT Center through the old city of Aachen. An alternative is the hotel “IBIS Aachen Marschiertor” which is close to the main station, which is convenient if you are travelling by train and also want to commute to the IT Center by train (3 trains per hour, 2 stops)

Please, download a sketch of the city (pdf, 415 KB) with some points of interest marked.
You may find a description of how to reach us by plane, train or car here.
Bus route 33 connects the city and the stop “Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße” every 15 minutes.
Trains between Aachen and Düsseldorf stop at “Aachen West” station which is a 5 minutes walk away from the IT Center.
From the bus stop and the train station just walk uphill the “Seffenter Weg”. The first building on the left hand side at the junction with “Kopernikusstraße” is the IT Center.

The weather in Aachen is usually unpredictable. It is always a good idea to carry an umbrella. If you’ll bring one, it might be sunny!
