
IT Center Events

PPCES 2009

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2009 Monday, March 23 - Friday, March 27, 2009 Center for Computing and Communication RWTH Aachen University Seffenter Weg 23 52074 Aachen Kindly supported by: (*) We like to draw your attention to a presentation by Horst Simon (University of California Berkeley) on Monday morning on Future Directions […]

PPCES 2010

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2010 HPC Seminar Monday, March 22, 11:00 - Friday, March 26, 2010, 15:30 in the Center for Computing and Communication After the HPC Seminar ...           ...please tell us how you liked it on the feedback form (the input is visible to the public) or send e-mail to […]

PPCES 2012

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2012 HPC Seminar and Workshop Monday, March 19 - Friday, March 23, 2012 Extension Building of the Center for Computing and Communication RWTH Aachen University Kopernikusstraße 6, seminar rooms 3+4 Kindly supported by:   Introduction This event  continued  the tradition of previous annual week-long events taking place in […]

PPCES 2013

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2013 HPC Seminar and Workshop Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21, 2013 Extension Building of the Center for Computing and Communication RWTH Aachen University Kopernikusstraße 6, seminar rooms 3 + 4 kindly supported by: Introduction This event will continue the tradition of previous annual week-long events taking […]

GHCG – 2. Nutzertreffen

Seminarraum 003/004, IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen

2. GHCG-Nutzergruppen-Treffen in Aachen 22.-24. Mai 2013 Rechen- und Kommunikationszentrum RWTH Aachen University Erweiterungsbau Kopernikusstraße 6 52074 Aachen Seminarräume 3 + 4 Sponsored by Veranstaltungsort und -zeit Veranstaltungsort ist die RWTH Aachen (siehe unten). Das eigentliche Usertreffen beginnt am 23. Mai gegen 13:00 und endet am 24. Mai gegen 13:00. Dem Treffen ist ein eintägiger […]

PPCES 2014

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2014 kindly supported by: HPC Seminar and Workshop March, Monday 10 -  March , Friday 14,  2014   IT  Center RWTH Aachen University Kopernikusstraße 6, Seminar Room 3 + 4                       We rely on your feedback in order to improve our course offer! Please enter your Feedback […]

PPCES 2015

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2015 kindly supported by: HPC Seminar and Workshop March, Monday 16 -  March , Friday 20,  2015   IT  Center RWTH Aachen University Kopernikusstraße 6, Seminar Room 3 + 4                       Course Materials Klicken Sie hier, um zu erweitern... 2015-OpenMP_for_Accelerators.pdf 2015_ppces_phi.pdf 2015_TotalView.pdf ex_omp_ppces2015.tar.gz Fex_omp_ppces2015.tar.gz LIKWID_PPCES_2015.pdf mpilab2015.tar OneKernelFor3Platforms_PPCES2015.7z.002   […]

PPCES 2016

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2016 kindly supported by: We look forward to your feedback to improve next ppces here   >>> HPC Seminar and Workshop March, Monday 14 -  March , Friday 18,  2016 IT  Center RWTH Aachen University Kopernikusstraße 6, Seminar Room 3 + 4                     Please, find information about this year's […]

aiXcelerate 2016

Seminarraum 003/004, IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen

  Introduction into Claix 2016 and Tuning Workshop Wed, November 30 - Fri, December 2, 2016 IT Center RWTH Aachen University sponsored by: Introduction Claix2016, the first stage of Claix, short for Cluster Aix-la-Chapelle, has been integrated into the RWTH Compute Cluster by NEC and went into production in November 2016. Therefore,  we want to […]

PPCES 2017

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2017 kindly sponsored by     HPC Seminar and Workshop March, 20 - 24,  2017 IT  Center RWTH Aachen University Kopernikusstraße 6 Seminar Room 3 + 4                                 Please find information about last year's PPCES 2016 event here >>>       […]

aiXcelerate 2017

Seminarraum 003/004, IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen

  HPC Tuning Workshop Tue, Dec 5  - Thu, Dec 7, 2017 IT Center RWTH Aachen University sponsored by:   Introduction This year's aiXcelerate HPC Tuning Workshop will focus on two topics: MPI+OPA: Tuning of parallel programs employing message passing with MPI and running on the Intel OmniPath fabric. KNL: Tuning for Intel's Xeon Phi […]

SPPEXA Workshop on Parallel Programming Models – Productivity and Applications

IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen, NRW, Deutschland

3rd SPPEXA Workshop on Parallel Programming Models - Productivity and Applications Date Thursday March 15th 2018 Location The workshop will take place in the lecture hall at RWTH Aachen University IT Center, Seffenter Weg 23, Aachen, Germany. The easiest way to find the lecture hall is to enter the building next to the IT Service Desk […]