
IT Center Events

NHR4CES: Data-Driven Healthcare: Leveraging Visualization and Data Management for Digital Patient Studies

Online , Deutschland

Name: Data-Driven Healthcare: Leveraging Visualization and Data Management for Digital Patient Studies Date: November 21, 2023 & November 22, 2023  Time: 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm Format: Online More Information     Description Short abstract: In today’s rapidly advancing medical landscape, data has become an invaluable asset, empowering healthcare professionals and researchers to make informed […]

NHR4CES: CFD Training Series: Introduction to Kernel-based approximation methods with applications to fluid dynamics

Online , Deutschland

Name: CFD Training Series: Introduction to Kernel-based approximation methods with applications to fluid dynamics Date: November 23, 2023  Time: 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm Format: hybrid More Information     Description Short abstract: When data is provided in an unstructured format or is high-dimensional, classical interpolation or approximation schemes as Finite-Element Methods (FEM) struggle to […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #9

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

NHR4CES: Process Mining and Scientific Workflows running on the HPC cluster

Online , Deutschland

Name: Process Mining and Scientific Workflows running on the HPC cluster Date: December 11, 2023 Time: 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Format: Online More Information     Description Short abstract: The goal of Process Mining is to turn event data into insights and actions. On the other side, there exist scientific workflows running on HPC clusters. […]

HPC Consultation Hour #27

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Using multi-factor authorization for CLAIX


This short tutorial introduces the usage of multi-factor authorization for CLAIX. The login without the second factor after January 15th, 2024  is not possible anymore. You can also follow the step-by-step guide in order to add a MFA token to the RegApp or download the event slide deck. In order to join the Zoom meeting, […]

Using multi-factor authorization for CLAIX

This short tutorial introduces the usage of multi-factor authorization for CLAIX. The login without the second factor after January 15th, 2024  is not possible anymore. You can also follow the step-by-step guide in order to add a MFA token to the RegApp or download the event slide deck. In order to join the Zoom meeting, […]

HPC Consultation Hour #28

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Using multi-factor authentication for CLAIX

This short tutorial introduces the usage of multi-factor authentication for CLAIX. The login without the second factor after January 15th, 2024  is not possible anymore. You can also follow the step-by-step guide in order to add a MFA token to the RegApp or download the event slide deck. In order to join the Zoom meeting, […]

RWTHjupyter Community Treffen 2024

Name: RWTHjupyter Community Treffen Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 01. Februar 2024 Uhrzeit: 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr Ort: Zoom Meeting-ID: 660 8569 7993 Kenncode: 635831 Zielgruppe: RWTHjupyter Nutzende und Interessierte Kosten: Kostenfrei Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich   Beschreibung  Seit Sommer 2021 finden regelmäßig RWTHjupyter Community Treffen statt mit dem Zweck des Austauschs zwischen Nutzer/innen, Entwickler/innen und Betreiber/innen dieser interaktiven […]

Introduction to High-Performance Computing 2024


This introduction provides basic information about high-performance computing (HPC) at the RWTH Aachen University’s IT Center for different target groups and needs. It is the basis for the follow-up event PPCES 2024. It focus on CLAIX-2023, the cluster that has been installed end of 2023 at the RWTH Aachen University’s IT Center and will be […]

HPC Consultation Hour #29

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]