
IT Center Events

Introduction to the HPC JupyterHub at the RWTH

Online , Deutschland

Abstract The HPC JupyterHub service at the RWTH allows all eligible users of the RWTH Compute Cluster to utilize the existing compute hardware interactively with the use of Jupyter Notebooks. This HPC JupyterHub provides customization of Profiles with a variety of programming kernels, software packages, and hardware definitions. This workshop will showcase the HPC JupyterHub […]

NHR4CES: CFD Training Series: Introduction to Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Flow Problems

Online , Deutschland

Name: CFD Training Series: Introduction to Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Flow Problems Date: November 16, 2023  Time: 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm Format: Online More Information     Description Short abstract: In this course, we cover the main building blocks to solve fluid flow problems using the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. The course consists of […]

NHR4CES: Data-Driven Healthcare: Leveraging Visualization and Data Management for Digital Patient Studies

Online , Deutschland

Name: Data-Driven Healthcare: Leveraging Visualization and Data Management for Digital Patient Studies Date: November 21, 2023 & November 22, 2023  Time: 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm Format: Online More Information     Description Short abstract: In today’s rapidly advancing medical landscape, data has become an invaluable asset, empowering healthcare professionals and researchers to make informed […]

NHR4CES: CFD Training Series: Introduction to Kernel-based approximation methods with applications to fluid dynamics

Online , Deutschland

Name: CFD Training Series: Introduction to Kernel-based approximation methods with applications to fluid dynamics Date: November 23, 2023  Time: 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm Format: hybrid More Information     Description Short abstract: When data is provided in an unstructured format or is high-dimensional, classical interpolation or approximation schemes as Finite-Element Methods (FEM) struggle to […]

NHR4CES: Process Mining and Scientific Workflows running on the HPC cluster

Online , Deutschland

Name: Process Mining and Scientific Workflows running on the HPC cluster Date: December 11, 2023 Time: 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Format: Online More Information     Description Short abstract: The goal of Process Mining is to turn event data into insights and actions. On the other side, there exist scientific workflows running on HPC clusters. […]

Using multi-factor authorization for CLAIX


This short tutorial introduces the usage of multi-factor authorization for CLAIX. The login without the second factor after January 15th, 2024  is not possible anymore. You can also follow the step-by-step guide in order to add a MFA token to the RegApp or download the event slide deck. In order to join the Zoom meeting, […]

Using multi-factor authorization for CLAIX

This short tutorial introduces the usage of multi-factor authorization for CLAIX. The login without the second factor after January 15th, 2024  is not possible anymore. You can also follow the step-by-step guide in order to add a MFA token to the RegApp or download the event slide deck. In order to join the Zoom meeting, […]

Using multi-factor authentication for CLAIX

This short tutorial introduces the usage of multi-factor authentication for CLAIX. The login without the second factor after January 15th, 2024  is not possible anymore. You can also follow the step-by-step guide in order to add a MFA token to the RegApp or download the event slide deck. In order to join the Zoom meeting, […]

RWTHjupyter Community Treffen 2024

Name: RWTHjupyter Community Treffen Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 01. Februar 2024 Uhrzeit: 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr Ort: Zoom Meeting-ID: 660 8569 7993 Kenncode: 635831 Zielgruppe: RWTHjupyter Nutzende und Interessierte Kosten: Kostenfrei Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich   Beschreibung  Seit Sommer 2021 finden regelmäßig RWTHjupyter Community Treffen statt mit dem Zweck des Austauschs zwischen Nutzer/innen, Entwickler/innen und Betreiber/innen dieser interaktiven […]

Softwaretechnik-Messe 2024

IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen, NRW, Deutschland

  Name: Softwaretechnik-Messe Veranstaltungsart: Hausmesse Datum: 16. Februar 2024 Uhrzeit: 13 – 16 Uhr Ort: IT Center, Foyer Kopernikusstr. 6  Zielgruppe: Alle MATSE-Interessierte (Auszubildende aus anderen Jahrgängen, Ausbildende, Schüler*innen oder Lehrer*innen) Anmeldung: ohne   Beschreibung Während der Messe stellen die angehenden mathematisch-technischen Softwareentwickler*innen (MATSE) des dualen Studiengangs „Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik“ der FH Aachen ihre Projektarbeiten vor. Ziel ist es, einen Austausch […]

VI-HPS Porting and Tuning Workshop 2024

IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen, NRW, Deutschland

Date and Time: 26th Feb 2024 8:00 am - 1st Mar 2024 6:00 pm Location: IT Center RWTH Aachen & ZIH, TU Dresden Klick here for Registration and further information.     Description This workshop is organized by VI-HPS and the NHR centers NHR4CES@RWTH (IT Center, RWTH Aachen University) and NHR@TUD (ZIH, TU Dresden) and […]

FDM-Werkstatt 2024

Seminarraum 003/004, IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen

Veranstaltungsart: Community-Workshop „FDM-Werkstatt“ Datum: 18. bis 20. März 2024 Ort: IT Center RWTH Aachen Wichtige Information: Deadline für Abstracts und Anmeldungen: 15. Januar 2024     Beschreibung  Die offizielle zweite Werkstatt für Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) findet  vom 18. bis 20. März 2024 an der RWTH Aachen statt! Bei der FDM-Werkstatt handelt es sich um ein lösungsorientiertes Workshop-Format, […]