
SIAM Student Chapter Aachen

Events & Activities

Some of the Chapter members organize series of seminars on various topics which are ‘from students for students’. Find information here:

Industry Meets Mathematics:
Once in a year, the Chapter organizes an Open House Day where company representatives are invited to talk about the ways they use math in their daily work. Additionally, some Chapter members give short presentations on their research.

Career Path Panel:
The Career Path Panel is a platform for discussions about different career paths in industry and academia in Computational Science and Engineering. Four panellists from academia and industry are invited to share their experience with us.

One-day field trips to industry:
On an irregular basis, we organize field trips to companies in industry and research labs. You are invited to propose future destinations!

Conferences and Meetings with other SIAM and GAMM Chapters:

Once a year the European SIAM and GAMM chapter meet for a short conference and to discuss chapter activities.

In 2019, the MESIGA was hosted in Aachen.

Social Events:

We also organize some social events like our summer barbeque or our famous Science Jeopardy.

Monthly Executive Board Meeting:
Every first Friday of the month, we meet for lunch (usually at Whitehouse, Milchstraße, but every now and then we switch locations; we communicate it via our mailing list in that case). There, we talk about new ideas for Chapter activities and plan future events. Everyone is welcome – we’re looking forward to your ideas!