
YIC GACM  July 20-23, 2015 | AC.CES July 23-24, 2015



Above all we would like to say thank you! To you as participants who were so motivated, patient and easy to please. To ECCOMAS and GACM for putting their trust in us. To our sponsors who made possible all of the extras we were able to offer. And of course to everybody who participated in the organization. We had an amazing week!

This page contains some post-conference information you might be interested in.


Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings have been published under this link. Please use the following information when referencing your article:

Title = Conference Proceedings of the YIC GACM 2015

Publisher = Publication Server of RWTH Aachen University

Editor = S. Elgeti and J.-W. Simon

urn = urn:nbn:de:hbz:82-rwth-2015-039806


5th ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad

As hosts of the 5th ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad, we would like to congratulate the two winners!

Kathrin Hatz (nominated by GAMM) with the presentation „Efficient numerical methods for hierarchical dynamic optimization with application to cerebral palsy gait modeling“

David Kammer (nominated by SWICCOMAS) with the presentation „Exploring the mechanics of frictional sliding with numerical modeling“



The conference was attended by 296 participants from 33 countries; most of them European, but some as far away as New Zealand or Japan.



The public lecture by Fabian Hemmert is available here.

The Science Slam videos:

Scott Stapleton – Why bad parents make the best rocket designers

Dhrubajyoti Mukherjee – Bend it like polymers

Thorben Casper – The uncertain path of a PhD

Roland Siegbert – How to survive a PhD

Mogan Ramesh – My engine is a vegan

Wolfgang Wall – The history of computational mechanics



A zip-file containing a collection of pictures can be downloaded here.