
IT Center Events

Training: Visualization and Analysis of Atomistic Simulation Data in OVITO

Online , Deutschland

Name: Training: Visualization and Analysis of Atomistic Simulation Data in OVITO Event type: Workshop Date: November 15 to 17, 2022 Time: 1pm - 5pm Format: Online via Zoom Target Audience: HPC user Contact Person: Dr. Daniel Utt Registration *More information*    Desciption   Post-processing and analysis of atomistic simulations are essential steps to extract knowledge from the computed […]

HPC Consultation Hour #14

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This will take place online 4-weekly. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage of systems and […]

aiXcelerate 2022

Seminarraum 003/004, IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen

Topics: Performance Modelling & Performance Analysis Description The annual event aiXcelerate at RWTH Aachen University (NHR4CES@RWTH) is a tuning workshop for HPC users. It comprises lectures that are open for everyone, and hands-on parts where invited groups apply the learnt concepts to their own codes. This year, aiXcelerate focuses on the topics "performance modelling" and […]

RWTH Adminrunde Dezember 2022

Microsoft Teams

Name: RWTH Adminrunde Dezember 2022 Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 14. Dezember 2022 Uhrzeit: 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr Ort: Microsoft Teams Zielgruppe: Admins der RWTH Aachen und alle weiteren Interessierten   Beschreibung Die letzte Adminrunde fand am Mittwoch, den 14.12.2022 von 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr per Videokonferenz statt. Allgemeine Infos zur RWTH Adminrunde   Agenda Änderungen Adobe […]

HPC Consultation Hour #15

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This will take place online 4-weekly. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage of systems and […]

HPC Consultation Hour #16

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This will take place online 4-weekly. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage of systems and […]

Introduction to interactive HPC with JupyterHub at the RWTH

Abstract The HPC JupyterHub service at the RWTH allows all eligible users of the RWTH Compute Cluster to utilize the existing compute hardware interactively with the use of Jupyter Notebooks. This HPC JupyterHub provides customization of Profiles with a variety of programming kernels, software packages, and hardware definitions.  This workshop will showcase the HPC JupyterHub […]

RWTHjupyter Community Treffen

Online , Deutschland

Name: RWTHjupyter Community Treffen Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 03. Februar 2023 Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr Ort: Zoom-Meeting Meeting-ID: 958 2300 3494 Kenncode: 981689 Zielgruppe: RWTHjupyter Nutzende und Interessierte  Kosten: kostenfrei Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich     Beschreibung  Seit Sommer 2021 finden regelmäßig RWTHjupyter Community Treffen statt mit dem Zweck des Austauschs zwischen Nutzer/innen, Entwickler/innen und […]

HPC Consultation Hour #17

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This will take place online 4-weekly. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage of systems and […]


IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen, NRW, Deutschland

Name: Softwaretechnik-Messe Veranstaltungsart: Hausmesse Datum: 22. Februar 2023 Uhrzeit: 13 - 16 Uhr Ort: IT Center, Foyer Kopernikusstr. 6  Zielgruppe: Alle MATSE-Interessierte (Auszubildende aus anderen Jahrgängen, Ausbildende, Schüler*innen oder Lehrer*innen) Anmeldung: ohne   Beschreibung  Während der Messe stellen die angehenden mathematisch-technischen Softwareentwickler*innen (MATSE) des dualen Studiengangs „Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik“ der FH Aachen ihre Projektarbeiten […]

Landesweiter Technologieworkshop


Name: Landesweiter Technologieworkshop Veranstaltungsart: Workshop Datum: 28.02.2023 Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr Ort: Zoom Zielgruppe: IdM Fachexpert*innen von Hochschulen in NRW   Beschreibung Im ersten landesweiten Technologieworkshop von liegt der inhaltliche Fokus auf den folgenden Themen: Grouper Keycloak privacyIDEA Ansiedlung 2. Faktor Umfrage: Technologielandschaft in NRW

NHR4CES Community Workshop 2023

Online , Deutschland

Title: NHR4CES Community Workshop 2023 – Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics Event type: Workshop Date & Time: February 28, 2023, 1.30pm - 5.30pm and March 1, 2023, 9.00am - 1.30pm Format: Online Contact: Contact persons: Jonas Seng, Dr. Martin Smuda and Ludovico Nista Registration *More information*    Desciption   Big data and Machine Learning (ML) […]