
IT Center Events

HPC Events : NEC SX-Aurora Workshop

January 7th, 2021 | by










Aurora Deep Dive Workshop

Programming for SX-Aurora TSUBASA


May, Thu 2 – Fr 3, 2019

  11:30 am to about 2 pm




IT Center  RWTH Aachen University

Kopernikusstraße 6

Seminar Room 3





The NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA is a new vector processor based accelerator for HPC workloads. Since this vector engine (VE) provides a very high memory bandwidth (1.2 TB/s), it is a very promising architecture for memory bound applications. The VE is provided as a PCIe card in a x86-64 server. Each VE is equipped with 8 cores. This workshop provides detailed information about the Aurora Architecture. Experts from NEC will present the programming environment and the different  execution models including hints for performance tuning. The attendees of the workshop have the opportunity to explore the system by working on provided hands-on or bringing their own code.


Date: Thursday 2nd – Friday 3rd May 2019.

Location: IT Center, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Room: Seminar Room 3, Kopernikusstraße 6

Organizer: NEC and RWTH Aachen University


May 2nd Thursday

                11:30 – 13:00                        Registration and Lunch

                13:00 – 13:45                        Aurora Architecture Deep Dive (Shintaro Momose)

                13:45 – 14:30                        VEOS basics, tweaking and news (Erich Focht)

                                                             Part I: VEOS high level design

                                                             Part II: VEOS Intro

                14:30 – 14:45                        Break

                14:45 – 15:45                        User contributions: 10-15min each

                                                             Aurora Experiments (Kurt Lust)

                                                             Aurora: User Experience (Daniel Schürhoff)

                                                             Using the NEC Aurora Workshop System for APES framework (Kannan Masilamani)

                                                             VASP and NEC SX (Bernhard Eck)

                                                             Demands on HPC/Aurora in CFD (Arne Rempke)

                15:45 – 16:15                       Tutorial part 1 (Christian Weiss)

                16:30 – 18:00                        Hands-on 1 (Christian Weiss, Felix Uhl, Rene Puttin)


                19:00 –                                  Dinner sponsored by NEC                                                                      

May 3rd Friday

                08:30 – 09:00                       Tutorial part 2 (Christian Weiss)

                09:00 – 10:30                       Hands-on 2 (Christian Weiss, Felix Uhl, Rene Puttin)

                10:30 – 10:45                       Break

                10:45 – 11:30                       Aurora offloading (Erich Focht)

                11:30 – 12:00                       AI on Aurora (Erich Focht)

                12:00 – 13:00                       Q & A & Finger Food (all) 


Bring Your Own Code

All attendees have the opportunity to bring their own code and get assistance from the NEC experts for code porting and performance tuning. If you want to bring your own code please keep in mind to prepare a small, but representative data set. We have 8 VE (8 cores and 48 GB memory each) available. Since we have to share the VEs with all attendees the data set should not use more than 8-16 MPI processes and less than 48 to 96 GB. Furthermore, the runtime should be about 10 minutes (or less). If you want to prepare your code or data in our environment before the workshop begins, please contact Tim Cramer <> for an individual test account.


The Dinner will be in the restaurant Palladion in the historical city of Aachen. Address:

Restaurant Palladion
Schmiedstraße 3
52062 Aachen


Please register here >>> Please register until Friday, April 12, 2019 April 19, 2019


Tim Cramer or

Oliver Tennert

Travel Information

Please make your own hotel reservation. You may find a list of hotels in Aachen on the web pages of Aachen Tourist Service.  We recommend that you try to book a room at the INNSIDE Aachen, Novotel Aachen City, Mercure am Graben or Aachen Best Western Regence hotels. These are nice hotels with reasonable prices within walking distance (20-30 minutes, see city map) from the IT Center through the old city of Aachen. An alternative is the IBIS Aachen Marschiertor hotel, located close to the main station, which is convenient if you are traveling by train and also prefer to commute to the IT Center by train (4 trains per hour, 2 stops).

Please, download a sketch of the city (pdf, 415 KB) with some points of interest marked.
You may find a description of how to reach us by plane, train or car here.
Bus lines 33 and 73 connect the city (central bus station) and the Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße bus stop 6 times per hour.
Most trains between Aachen and Düsseldorf stop at station Aachen West, which is 10 minutes walk away from the IT Center.
From the bus stop and the train station just walk up Seffenter Weg. The first building on the left side at the junction with Kopernikusstraße is the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University. The event will take place in the extension building located at Kopernikusstraße 6.
The weather in Aachen is usually unpredictable. It is always a good idea to carry an umbrella. If you’ll bring one, it might be sunny.


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