
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Verleihung der Friedrich-Wilhelm-Preise 2021/ Award of the Friedrich Wilhelm Prizes 2021

December 1st, 2021 | by

Rayleigh Medal für Professor Michael Vorländer/ Rayleigh Medal for Professor Michael Vorländer

November 4th, 2021 | by

The Institute of Hearing Technology and Acoustics is proud to announce that Professor Michael Vorländer has recently been awarded the prestigious Rayleigh Medal, the highest award of the Institute of Acoustics. Therefore, we from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology also say, congratulations!

The Rayleigh Medal is the highest award of the Institute of Acoustics and is given without regard to age to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to acoustics. The medal is named for John William Strutt, Third Baron Rayleigh (1842-1919), a highly versatile physicist who conducted both experimental and theoretical research in virtually all areas of the field. His book The Theory of Sound remains a landmark in the development of acoustics.

With this award, Michael joins a list of very well-known acousticians such as Manfred Schröder, Hugo Fastl, Leo Beranek, and his predecessor Heinrich Kuttruff who have also been awarded this medal.

(Deutsch) Lernen. Forschen. Machen. – Der Digitale Alumni Tag 2021

October 7th, 2021 | by

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RWTH student team AixSense successful in international SensUs competition

September 15th, 2021 | by

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology warmly congratulates students Daniyar Kizatov, Jiayi He, Anshul Prashar and Shunjiro Sodei and all involved on their successful second place in the international Biosensor Competition SensUs! The fourth generation of the RWTH Aachen student team AixSense participated in the SensUs competition at Eindhoven University of Technology this year.

Consisting of four ambitious students from the fields of Computer Engineering and Micro-Nano-Electronics, the interdisciplinary team has spent the past six months developing a prototype biosensor to detect the influenza A virus. Thus, the team worked in the laboratories and clean rooms of our Institute of Materials in Electrical Engineering 1 at RWTH, where the chips (see picture on the right) were produced as key components for the technology. The team was supervised by Prof. Sven Ingebrandt and Dr. Vivek Pachauri.

Daniyar Kizatov, Jiayi He, Anshul Prashar, Shunjiro Sodei | Copyright: IWE1

At the final event, the AixSense team presented the biosensor prototype and was awarded in four categories for analytical performance, creativity, transferability of the concept and public inspiration. In the Analytical Performance category, RWTH Aachen University took second place by a slight margin.

 “Our team was never so close to winning one of the most important awards. It was very close and we are proud of our performance.”

– Daniyar Kizatov, team leader of AixSense

This year, 14 student teams from Denmark, Egypt, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, China, Sweden, the USA, Belgium, the UK, Canada and Spain took part in the competition.

The biosensor has been known to the public at the latest since the introduction of the Covid rapid test – but the SensUs community has been supporting young scientists to present their research in the field of biosensors internationally for five years. Every year, a new generation of teams faces the challenge of developing a biosensor prototype for a new disease. So far, the focus has been on detecting biomarkers for kidney failure, heart failure, antibiotic resistance, rheumatism and epilepsy.

Next year, the SensUs competition aims to detect cytokines as crucial proteins in the immune system. The application phase for the next generation of the AixSense team starts in December 2021 – more information on how to apply can be found here.

(Original article press release IWE1)

(Deutsch) RWTH bündelt Stärken zum Thema Kreislaufwirtschaft

September 8th, 2021 | by

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(Deutsch) 2Exciting Ausbildungsnetzwerk – Die nächste Generation von 2D-Expert*innen fördern

August 23rd, 2021 | by

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(Deutsch) MMI gewinnt GAIA-X Förderwettbewerb des BMWi

July 29th, 2021 | by




Strengthen university teaching through digitalisation – RWTH works with partners in the „Innovationscluster E-Assessment“

July 29th, 2021 | by

Copyright: Martin Braun

A central issue at universities is to create the best possible examination conditions for students and to support lecturers. In recent years, more and more examinations have been conducted as e-assessments, and Corona has accelerated this trend. The aim of the new innovation cluster is to promote more student-friendly examination scenarios by further developing e-assessment formats such as “Dynexite” and “ILIAS” with a focus on diversity equality, competence orientation, interdisciplinarity and time flexibility in the course of semesters and studies.
For example, hybrid examinations should be possible, integrating analogue and digital processing. The aim is also to make examinations more flexible; students can then take an examination within a specified time window. An examination cockpit supports teachers with recommendations for didactic development and iterative improvement of examinations.

RWTH Aachen University is working together on this in sub-projects. Under the direction of  Professor Dr. rer. nat.Dirk Uwe Sauer , the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives is working on making the examination phases more flexible.

The overall project management is in the hands of Dr. phil. Malte Persike from the RWTH’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Services, who is working on the adaptation and further development of competence-oriented task formats for e-examinations. The teaching and research area of Computer Science 9 (Learning Technologies), headed by Professor Dr.-Ing. Ulrik Schroeder, focuses on the integration of domain-specific examination tools in “Dynexite” and their adaptability to the e-examination system “ILIAS”. Here, task formats for Python- and R-code are being developed and an examination cockpit is being programmed to improve examination quality.

The “Innovation in der Hochschullehre” Foundation (Innovation in University Teaching) is funding the joint work of RWTH Aachen University, Cologne University of Technology, the Distance-Learning University Hagen and the German Institute for Adult Education with about 2.3 million euros.

More diversity in science – Prof. Monti as a scout in the Henriette Heart Scouting Program

July 29th, 2021 | by

The Henriette Herz Scouting Program, funded by the BMBF, aims to expand and diversify the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s network. The program specifically recruits established and experienced researchers who already have an international network. It enables the scouts to select up to three scientists who will then directly receive a fellowship. The first will go to a female researcher.
The scouts aim to approach international researchers from abroad who have not yet been considered for an academic fellowship to the Humboldt Foundation and a research stay in Germany. As a result, the program will attract new collaborative partners for Germany, both from a specialist and geographical perspective. At the same time, the aim is to increase the quota of women sponsored in the Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme.

We are very pleased that Prof. Antonello Monti has been selected for the Henriette Herz Scouting Program.

“The program offers us the possibility to increase our international cooperation by creating new links with universities that are not currently working with us.
What is extremely interesting about this program is the possibility to be really fast in offering the scholarship. By skipping the standard review process, the time between identification of candidates to the start of the scholarship becomes extremely short.” – Prof. Monti

 The Henriette Herz Scouting Program, funded by the BMBF, aims to expand and diversify the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s network. The program specifically recruits established and experienced researchers who already have an international network. It enables the scouts to select up to three scientists who will then directly receive a fellowship. The first will go to a female researcher.
The scouts aim to approach international researchers from abroad who have not yet been considered for an academic fellowship to the Humboldt Foundation and a research stay in Germany. As a result, the program will attract new collaborative partners for Germany, both from a specialist and geographical perspective. At the same time, the aim is to increase the quota of women sponsored in the Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme.

We are very pleased that Prof. Antonello Monti has been selected for the Henriette Herz Scouting Program.

“The program offers us the possibility to increase our international cooperation by creating new links with universities that are not currently working with us.
What is extremely interesting about this program is the possibility to be really fast in offering the scholarship. By skipping the standard review process, the time between identification of candidates to the start of the scholarship becomes extremely short.” – Prof. Monti

The Henriette Herz Scouting Program, funded by the BMBF, aims to expand and diversify the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s network. The program specifically recruits established and experienced researchers who already have an international network. It enables the scouts to select up to three scientists who will then directly receive a fellowship. The first will go to a female researcher.
The scouts aim to approach international researchers from abroad who have not yet been considered for an academic fellowship to the Humboldt Foundation and a research stay in Germany. As a result, the program will attract new collaborative partners for Germany, both from a specialist and geographical perspective. At the same time, the aim is to increase the quota of women sponsored in the Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme.

We are very pleased that Prof. Antonello Monti has been selected for the Henriette Herz Scouting Program.

“The program offers us the possibility to increase our international cooperation by creating new links with universities that are not currently working with us.
What is extremely interesting about this program is the possibility to be really fast in offering the scholarship. By skipping the standard review process, the time between identification of candidates to the start of the scholarship becomes extremely short.” – Prof. Monti

The Henriette Herz Scouting Program, funded by the BMBF, aims to expand and diversify the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s network. The program specifically recruits established and experienced researchers who already have an international network. It enables the scouts to select up to three scientists who will then directly receive a fellowship. The first will go to a female researcher.
The scouts aim to approach international researchers from abroad who have not yet been considered for an academic fellowship to the Humboldt Foundation and a research stay in Germany. As a result, the program will attract new collaborative partners for Germany, both from a specialist and geographical perspective. At the same time, the aim is to increase the quota of women sponsored in the Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme.

We are very pleased that Prof. Antonello Monti has been selected for the Henriette Herz Scouting Program.

(Deutsch) E.ON und RWTH verlängern Kooperationsvertrag Erfolgreiche Arbeit des E.ON Energy Research Centers wird weiter gefördert

July 21st, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.