Kategorie: ‘Information, Kommunikation und Elektronik’
Team AixSense successful in the SensUs competition 2024
The RWTH team impresses with its biosensor for monitoring kidney failure
For the seventh time already, the 15 students of the AixSense team successfully took part in the SensUs competition, organised by Eindhoven University of Technology. This year, 18 teams competed against each other in the international competition with their point-of-care (PoC) biosensor solutions for the real-time detection of creatinine for monitoring acute kidney failure. The AixSense team also included 3 students from the Japanese partner university Tokyo Institute of Technology.
This year, AixSense won three out of five categories with its PoC and also took second place in the technological innovation and technical feasibility categories. Particularly noteworthy is the performance in the area of public relations and scientific communication: the team from Aachen received the Vlog Award for their video diary and AixSense also won the public voting for the Public Inspirations Award.
The Institute for Materials in Electrical Engineering 1 at RWTH Aachen University has been involved in the competition since 2018. Every year, Professor Sven Ingebrandt and Dr. Vivek Pachauri put together a team from various degree programmes. The team is supported by various structures and profile areas at RWTH, such as the Lab center for micro and nanotechnology (ZMNT), which advises the team on technical issues.
The annual competition encourages international and interdisciplinary collaboration in fields such as electrical engineering and micro-nanotechnology, transformative materials, biology, engineering and medical sciences, among others.
Interested parties can apply for the SensUs 2025 competition at pachauri@iwe1.rwth-aachen.de until November 2024.
Visit from Professor Mohamend-Ali Belabbas
Professor Mohamed-Ali Belabbas, this year’s winner of the ‘Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award’ from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, is visiting the Chair of Intelligent Control Systems during August.
The Chair of Intelligent Control Systems will be the host during the funding period.
We congratulate the award winner and wish him a pleasant stay.
Further information on the sponsorship can be found on the website of the Alexander von Humbold Foundation.
ITAR team from the Chair of Distributed Signal Processing presented research project at the Hannover Expo
One of our chairs was also represented at the Hannover Messe this year. The ITAR team (Innovative Test Methods for Radio Systems Based on Augmented Reality Technologies) presented the cutting-edge research of the start-up from the Chair of Distributed Signal Processing at the stand of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the Hannover Expo in April.
ITAR, a branch of the 6G Research Hub, is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the Startup.Connect programme. The team welcomed Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger from the BMBF and State Secretary Prof Dr Sabine Döring as guests. Students, engineers and managing directors took the opportunity to see the team’s innovative solutions and share them with leading industry representatives. This prepared the way for future collaborations. We would like to thank the BMBF, familie redlich A.G. and the team at the Karlsruhe project management organisation for their support.
Further information on ITAR can be found on the chair’s website.
Dr Jan Moritz Joseph admitted to the “Junges Kolleg”
The dedicated researcher Dr Jan Moritz Joseph from the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems at RWTH Aachen University has secured a coveted place in the prestigious “Junges Kolleg” of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. This admission is considered one of the highest academic honours that can be achieved in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). Congratulations!
In addition to Dr Jan Moritz Joseph, Junior Professor Lisa Spantig, Dr Maike Dohrn and Dr Julia Exarchos – all from RWTH Aachen University – were also accepted into the Young Academy of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. The Academy has accepted a total of 19 new scholarship holders into its Young Academy. The RWTH has the most new members. Admission to the “Junges Kolleg” is one of the most important honours for young academics in North Rhine-Westphalia. They receive an annual grant of 10,000 euros and take part in academy events.
Dr Jan Moritz Joseph from the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems (ICE) at RWTH Aachen University is researching energy-efficient methods for the design and use of AI in embedded systems. The focus is on neuromorphic hardware. Traditionally, AI is executed on systems in which computing and memory units are separate, which limits performance. Neuromorphic systems combine both units in a new component and are therefore more energy-efficient. Dr Jan Moritz Joseph and his team are designing an integrated system in which hardware and software are developed together. He and his team received the RWTH’s Innovation Award 2022 for the best transfer project for their hardware and software development systems. He studied computer science and medical technology and received his doctorate in electrical engineering and information technology in 2019.
The academy has been supporting young talent in NRW with the “Junges Kolleg” since 2006 and now has around 170 active, associated and former scholarship holders. In addition to a doctorate, membership requires outstanding academic achievements at a university or research institution in North Rhine-Westphalia. Members must not be older than 36 at the time of admission. RWTH Aachen University currently has seven researchers in the “Junges Kolleg”.
We at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology would like to congratulate Dr Jan Moritz Joseph on joining the Academy.
ITG Conference on Speech Communication
The fifteenth symposium in a successful series of events on the topics of speech processing, audio and spoken language processing took place from September 20 to 22, 2023 in the SuperC building of RWTH Aachen University.
Central and in the heart of university life, a lively scientific exchange took place with a focus on theory, algorithms, and application relevance of the topic composition. Conference participants exchanged ideas in workshops and benefited from both professional and personal networking. Alternating blocks of lectures and poster presentations, as well as a show & tell session formed elements of the three-day conference.
Other highlights included three keynote presentations from renowned individuals with expertise:
For Team Viewer, Dr. Hendrik Witt presented real-life use cases for augmented reality solutions for process optimization in the working world and explained the extent to which wearables and sensors are driving the industrial metaverse. The goal, he said, is digitization far from desks, for example in logistics, manufacturing or field service. Team Viewer sees the metaverse as an interface between the real world, the Internet and technology. Its AR platform Frontline offers augemnted reality, mixed reality and artificial intelligence on smart glasses, smartphones, tablets and other wearables. Empowered so-called frontline workers through this could usher in the next industrial revolution.
Professor Nilesh Madhu of Ghent University vividly explored the evolution of communication technology in his talk; from the use of tedious, hand-made, stochastic models to a plethora of impressive state-of-the-art data-driven approaches. His remarks also allowed a glimpse into the future and opened the discussion on whether the knowledge and experiences of the past are suitable to pave the way there.
Focusing on practical experience and the application of research results, Professor Frank Kurth from the Frauenhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics presented concrete safety application scenarios that use various approaches, including Deep Learning, for information extraction. Especially with respect to voice communication, the extraction of information from sensor signals is a significant aspect of safety-critical applications. This requires reliable methods, while complying with applicable law. The challenge here is often the poor quality of audio signals combined with the need to process large amounts of data in real time.
In addition to the exciting scientific content shared at the conference, a rich cultural offer was also opened to the participants. The city of Charlemagne showed its best side during the various guided tours and allows many insights into its historical heritage.
The conference was organized by the Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) in VDE, in cooperation with the Technical Committee Speech Communication AT3, as well as the Technical Program Committee and the Institute for Communication Systems at RWTH Aachen University.
Extensive information can be found on the homepage of the ITG conference.
Writing Workshop E-Technology Winter Semester 2023/24
You are studying a bachelor or master subject at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology? The study or final thesis is now imminent? Then get the support of the Language Center and benefit twice!
The semester course in presence strengthens the subject-specific writing and text competence with customized writing advice. Practical workshops based on text examples from electrical engineering and information technology provide know-how on text structure, language, style and citation. The online expert feedback in the writing consultation helps to individually apply what has been learned in the course to the current project or thesis. Voluntary participation in an introductory course on technical subject research at the University Library is also offered as part of the course.
After successful participation, the Language Center awards a certificate and 3 CP, which are creditable according to the respective examination regulations.
International students must prove a German language level of at least C1.2 as a prerequisite for participation in the course.
Registration takes place via the user account at the Language Center.
Registration deadline: September 29 – October 10, 2023
Group 1 02.54478 |
Group 2 02.54479 |
Wed, 08.11.2023 Wed, 22.11.2023 Wed, 06.12.2023 Wed, 10.01.2024 each from 09.00 to 12.00 hrs |
Wed, 15.11.2023 Wed, 29.11.2023 Wed, 13.12.2023 Wed, 17.01.2024 each from 09.00 to 12.00 hrs |
Contact for queries: schreibzentrum@sz.rwth-aachen.de
German Study Award: Silver goes to Dominik Šišejković
His excellent dissertation, Development of trustworthy microelectronics – from theory to practice, will be honored by the Körber Foundation with the German Study Award 2023 on November 27 at the German Parliamentary Society in Berlin. Dominik Šišejković will receive the second prize in the Natural and Technical Sciences section from Bundestag President Bärbel Bas.
The focus of his doctoral thesis is the question of how hardware can be protected against decentralized modifications. This is all because hardware Trojans represent one of the greatest security threats of the modern age. Such a carefully designed modification allows attackers to gain access to critical infrastructure, extract secret information or even shut down systems at the worst possible moment.
“In this work, we take a step-by-step approach to understanding logic encryption, from its basic mechanics to software implementation to an in-depth analysis of its security properties in the age of machine learning,” explains Dominik Šišejković, a PhD student at RWTH Aachen University in the Department of Electrical Engineering.
One possible solution is hidden in logic encryption, a leading technique for securing hardware. The results were bundled into an industry-proven encryption method that provides a secure way to protect hardware.
The German Study Award is one of the most highly endowed prizes for young scientists in Germany. Each year, it honors outstanding young scientists from all disciplines. The Körber Foundation awards prizes totaling more than 100,000 euros for excellent dissertations of particular social significance.
CO2For-IT: A data room for the timber industry with a focus on climate protection
A new initiative to promote a climate-friendly timber industry was launched in July 2023. The CO2For-IT project, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, aims to create a “Forest Data Space” to enable the sustainable use of wood from forests.
The Forest Data Space will provide data on the carbon footprint of the entire timber value chain and therefore support the development of data-based solutions for climate protection. The project is led by Materna Information & Communications SE and coordinated by the Dortmund Institute for Research and Transfer (RIF e.V.). Other partners include RWTH Aachen University, Rhenus Forest Logistics GmbH & Co. KG, HSM Hohenloher Spezial Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Forstliches Forschungs- und Kompetenzzentrum Gotha (ThüringenForst – AöR) and Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e. V. (KWF). In addition, foldAI and iFOS GmbH are collaborating with the project.
For more information visit: KWH 4.0 | CO2For-IT (kwh40.de) (only in german)
New Perspectives for Communication Technology: A German-Japanese Partnership
RWTH University has started an exciting cooperation in the field of 5G/6G mobile communications technology with the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) in Japan. This was sealed by a memorandum of understanding that Professor Ulrich Rüdiger and Professor Hideyuki Tokuda, President of NICT, signed together in June. They received a delegation from NICT at RWTH Aachen University.
The Memorandum of Understanding is intended to strengthen and expand academic cooperation between both partner institutions. This includes the exchange of scientists and students, collaborative research projects, publications and the transfer of knowledge on 5G/6G mobile communications technology.
The cooperation was initiated as part of the BMBF-funded research programme “6GEM Research Hub”, which is coordinated by Professor Haris Gačanin from the Chair of Distributed Signal Processing at RWTH. In this project, RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr University Bochum, Dortmund University of Technology and the University of Duisburg-Essen, as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy are researching future communication technologies in 6G mobile communications technology.
Source: RWTH press release: Research Partnership With NICT in Japan – RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY – English (rwth-aachen.de)
Excellent placement in global university ranking
In electrical engineering, RWTH Aachen is one of the three best German universities. This is the result of the internationally highly regarded QS Ranking by Subjects of the British information service provider Quacquarelli Symonds. Presented in its latest version, the subject ranking is based on various criteria that are weighted according to subject. An online reputation survey among university graduates and employers accounts for between 40 and 100 percent of the total points and is considered the most important indicator. Citations, which scientific papers from universities receive on average, account for up to 60 percent. For some engineering and natural science subjects, international research networks are also taken into account.
The Aachen University of Excellence was able to place itself on the winner’s podium in many subjects throughout Germany and is also convincing in an international comparison. In ten subjects, it placed among the 100 best worldwide. RWTH did particularly well in the subjects of mining engineering with 15th place and mechanical engineering with 19th place.
For more information: www.topuniversities.com