
IT Center Events

PPCES 2023

Seminarraum 003/004, IT Center Kopernikusstraße 6, Aachen

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science (PPCES) 2023 About PPCES This one week event will continue the tradition of previous annual week-long events that take place in Aachen every spring since 2001. We will cover the basics of parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI in Fortran and C/C++ and a first step towards performance […]

3rd Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

4th Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

HPC Consultation Hour #18

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This will take place online 4-weekly. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage of systems and […]

5th Rocky HPC Migration Course

Online , Deutschland

Since CentOS 7, the Linux Operating System of CLAIX, is outdated, and since CentOS Linux 8 reached End Of Life (EOL), we have to shift to a new Linux distribution.  We have selected Rocky Linux 8.7, which is also Red Hat Enterprise compatible. Going hand in hand with this change, we also prepared the shift […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #1

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

HPC Consultation Hour #19

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #2

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

RWTH Adminrunde Mai 2023

Microsoft Teams

Name: RWTH Adminrunde Mai 2023 Veranstaltungsart: Informationsveranstaltung Datum: 3. Mai 2023 Uhrzeit: 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr Ort: Microsoft Teams Zielgruppe: Admins der RWTH Aachen und alle weiteren Interessierten   Beschreibung Die nächste Adminrunde findet am Mittwoch, den 3. Mai 2023 von 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr per Videokonferenz statt. Allgemeine Infos zur RWTH Adminrunde   Agenda SAM-Tool: Was ist im Falle eines […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #3

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]

HPC Consultation Hour #20

Online , Deutschland

We offer an open HPC consultation hour on a regular basis. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here, we give you the opportunity to ask any HPC related question, e.g. about: Cluster usage Parallel Programming Performance analysis and optimization of self-written codes Workflow optimization (e.g. job management and data processing) Efficient usage […]

Machine Learning Consultancy Hour #4

Online , Deutschland

Machine Learning (ML) methods are being used frequently in research these days. However, often non-experts in ML are faced with the problem of designing and building highly complex models and ML-environments to utilize useful features that ML brings. A high invest of time is needed to acquire the knowledge required to develop ML-models and the […]