
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘RWTHmoodle’

RWTHmoodle Usage Survey 2024

June 17th, 2024 | by
RWTHmoodle Logo

Source: Own Illustration

Take part and make a difference!
It’s that time again: The annual RWTHmoodle usage survey starts today on June 17, 2024 and runs until July 7, 2024. You have used RWTHmoodle and were authorized in at least one learning room in the summer semester 2023? Then you now have the opportunity to share your experiences with the system and give us valuable feedback. Together we can further improve RWTHmoodle and adapt the support services accordingly.

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The Importance of Open Source Software

June 12th, 2024 | by
Vector with laptop and an operating system in the background

Source: Freepik

Open source software (OSS) has become a cornerstone of modern IT and plays a crucial role in the development of technology and software. Open source code enables innovation, flexibility and cost efficiency.

But what exactly is open source software and why is it so important?


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RWTHmoodle – From Version 4.1 to 4.3

May 24th, 2024 | by
RWTHmodle Update

Source: Own Illustration

On May 23, 2024, RWTHmoodle was updated from version 4.1 to Moodle 4.3. The update includes numerous improvements and adjustments based on feedback from the user surveys, among other things. In this blog post, we would like to inform you about the most important new features.


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Innovative Learning: MoodleCafé begins

May 22nd, 2024 | by
RWTHmoodle Cafe

Source: Own Illustration

This semester, the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) is offering the new digital exchange format “MoodleCafé” for the first time via Zoom, which focuses on a selected Moodle topic with best practice examples from RWTH teaching practice. This semester’s topics include the Moodle activities “StudentQuiz” and “Peer Review“.

The first MoodleCafé will take place on June 12 from 2pm to 3 pm and will focus on the collaborative StudentQuiz. This offers numerous didactic advantages by enabling students to create, answer and evaluate quiz questions together, while at the same time integrating gamification elements to increase motivation. Read the rest of this entry »

Community Meeting of Moodle.NRW

April 17th, 2024 | by
Harald Schnurbusch stands in front of the slides during his presentation.

Source: Own illustration
Harald Schnurbusch at the presentation “Exam Scan – Digital insight for paper-pencil exams”

After the Moodle university meeting at the University of Leipzig in March, the competence centers and Moodle.NRW jointly invited to a community meeting at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) on April 10. The meeting was aimed at all those involved in the use and development of the Moodle or ILIAS learning platforms at their university or other educational institutions. Colleagues from the “Service & Communication” department also accepted the invitation and are happy to report on the gathering here.

In addition to the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants in personal discussions, a total of 16 sessions were held on various topics relating to the platforms and the design of digital teaching. RWTH Aachen University was also involved with a presentation. As in Leipzig, Harald Schnurbusch from the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) presented the Moodle plugin Exam Scan developed at RWTH.

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Welcome to the Summer Semester 2024!

April 10th, 2024 | by
Clock and apple on school books

Source: Freepik

The nights are getting shorter and the days are getting long again – time for a new semester to start!

With this in mind, we would like to welcome you and wish you a successful summer semester 2024!

Studying has become much more digital in recent years. This means that people are not only learning from books but also a lot on their laptops, tablets and smartphones. Are you already connected?

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Five Years of RWTHmoodle

March 25th, 2024 | by
Lettering 5 years RWTHmoodle in speech bubble

Source: Own illustration

With the go live of RWTHmoodle on March 5, 2019, a milestone was reached in the digitization strategy for teaching. This strategy provides for the development and implementation of digitalization concepts for excellent teaching. Among other things, the required system should be able to adapt to constantly changing requirements.

In the following blog post, you can read how the Moodle instance came to RWTH and what we have already experienced with it.


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RWTHmoodle University Meeting in Leipzig

March 22nd, 2024 | by
A picture of a black doctor's hat lying on an open laptop. The screen of the laptop is blank. Above the image is the text RWTH and moodle.

Source: Own Illustration

Current Developments & Trends –
Video Subtitling, Digital Exam Viewing and Organization of the Moodle Community

ChatGPT and Large Language Models – how they change teaching, learning and working. At the Moodle University Meeting at Leipzig University, there was a lot of discussion about generative AI and its application scenarios in university teaching. Nevertheless, there was still enough room for other exciting topics: from Moodle quizzes and the integration of Jupyter notebooks in Moodle to service strategies, plugin lifecycles and community work to accessibility, a wide range of topics was represented. RWTH Aachen University was also among the 120 participants with two people from the IT Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) and supplemented the program with two presentations and a co-moderation.

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RWTHmoodle: Help, My Study Rooms Have Suddenly Disappeared!

March 4th, 2024 | by
Vector sitting next to big manual illustration

Source: Freepik

We often receive enquiries from students at the beginning of the semester because their current study rooms no longer appear in RWTHmoodle despite successful registration. There are two reasons for this, which we would now like to explain to you in more detail.


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RWTHmoodle: New Features and Plugins in Pilot Operation

October 27th, 2023 | by

Since 2019, RWTHmoodle has been part of everyday teaching and learning and is constantly being further developed to make E-Learning easier for students and teachers.
This winter semester, there are four new features as well as two plugins that can be tested in pilot operation by interested teachers.

In September, all professors and academic staff received an e-mail to find test subjects for the new plugins. At the end of the pilot phase, an evaluation will be conducted to decide whether the plugins will be used permanently.

You can find out which pilot plugins and innovations these are in the
following blog post.


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