
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Energie und Umwelt’

SOGNO – Service Oriented Grid for the Network of the Future

December 2nd, 2020 | by
Serviceorientiertes Stromnetz für die Stromversorgung der Zukunft

Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems

RWTH Aachen University recently had a major role in the EU project „Service Oriented Grid for the Network of the Future“ (SOGNO). RWTH was represented by the Institute of Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS), the Institute of Theoretical Information Technology (TI), and the Chair of Management Accounting. Moreover, Prof. Monti and Dr. Marco Pau from the Institute of Automation of Complex Power Systems served as technical managers of the project, thus coordinating the technical activities within the consortium.

The project SOGNO aims at developing a new concept of distribution grid management, based on the use of 5G communication, advanced deep learning techniques, and cloud virtualization to provide the intelligence needed to control future smart grids as a service for distribution system operators.

SOGNO Website


Project InductInfra – Will Roads Be Able to Supply Cars With Energy in the Future?

December 1st, 2020 | by

Within the project “InductInfra – Inductive Dynamic Energy Supply of Vehicles via Road Traffic Infrastructure” the Institute of Electrical Machines under the direction of Professor Kay Hameyer and the Institute of Highway Engineering under the direction of Professor Markus Oeser cooperate in this field. The project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure within the framework of the “Road Innovation Program” with about 1.6 million Euros until October 2023.

Both institutes want to develop concepts and material systems for energy transmission between vehicle and road and to research integration into the infrastructure. The aim is for vehicles to draw the energy required for operation or rapid charging from an induction field while driving. Induction modules embedded in the road generate the energy required for this. The project aims to develop the induction modules, the necessary materials and the technologies for their permanent integration into the transport infrastructure. Furthermore, the potential, operational safety and economic efficiency of supplying the induction modules with renewable energy will be determined.

Currently, the electrification of individual and commercial transport is in focus. There are still many problems for long-distance traffic, such as the lack of range, battery size, battery weight and the incomplete charging infrastructure. One possible solution could be continuous charging or energy transfer between the vehicle and the road during the journey. Electric vehicles with a virtually unlimited range, moderate battery size and low battery weight would thus become possible.

Source: Press and Communications RWTH

Project ERIGrid 2.0 – validation approach for intelligent energy networks in the electrical sector

November 11th, 2020 | by
ERIGrid 2.0


In April this year, the second version of the “ERIGrid 2.0” project of the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems at the E.ON Research Center was launched.

Its full name is as complex as the four-year project as “ERIGrid 2.0” stands for “European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out – Second Edition”.

Professor Antonello Monti’s team is working on the holistic and cyberphysics-based validation approach for intelligent energy networks in the electrical sector. ERIGrid 2.0 provides support and training at system level for industrial and academic research and technology development for energy systems.

100 million euros for battery research

July 22nd, 2020 | by


BMBF funds battery competence cluster under RWTH leadership

As part of the overarching concept “Battery Research Factory”, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding four additional battery competence clusters with a total of 100 million euros.

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer from the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) coordinates the cluster “Battery Usage Concepts” (Batt Usage), which is funded with around 20 million euros. The aim is to develop a profound understanding of battery conditions and behavior to decide when secondary use of battery storage is possible and for which applications it makes the most sense.

The “Intelligent Battery Cell Production” cluster (InZePro), which is being funded with around 30 million euros, aims to increase and enhance flexibility in the productivity of cell production. This is intended to be achieved through comprehensive optimization of the production system using Industry 4.0 solutions.

The aim of the “greenBatt” recycling/green battery cluster is to close material cycles in the battery business. This cluster is also funded with around 30 million euros.

The “Analytics/Quality Assurance” (AQua) cluster focuses on continuously improving the performance of batteries while at the same time ensuring a long service life and a high level of safety. This cluster will receive funding of around 20 million euros.

The new clusters deal with future topics in battery research, ranging from production and usage concepts to recycling and quality assurance. RWTH Aachen University is involved in three of the four new clusters.

RWTH Pressemitteilungen

National academies support European climate protection with study

July 14th, 2020 | by
The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities have presented a study. ” Energy transition 2030: Europe’s path to carbon neutrality ” aims to provide the German government, in light of its upcoming presidency of the EU Council, with a compact series of recommendations for giving the desired European energy. The ad-hoc statement was prepared by ESYS – Energy Systems of the Future, an initiative of the German Academies of Science. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Uwe Sauer as a member of the ESYS Board of Directors and Philipp Stöcker contributed to the study.

FGE-Kolloquim Accelerating the Energiewende 22.6.2020

June 22nd, 2020 | by
Accelerating the Energiewende: utilizing fast flexible grid solutions to transform power networks

On Monday, 22.06.2020, 15.30 – 17.30 the FGE-Kolloquium will took place with the title “Accelerating the Energiewende: utilizing fast flexible grid solutions to transform power networks”. The lecture will be followed by a discussion with national and international representatives from industry and politics (see below for a detailed program).

The event is part of the colloquia of the Forschungsgesellschaft Energie (FGE e.V.), which are planned for the summer semester 2020. Due to the corona pandemic, this event will be held online. The event will be held in English.

More information on the event page


Success for RWTH’s Online Teaching Strategy

June 8th, 2020 | by

The NRW Ministry of Culture and Science and Digitale Hochschule NRW provide funding for five RWTH remote learning projects.

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer has a leading role in the project “EOR4EE – Technologies for the Energy Turnaround”, one of a total of five projects at RWTH Aachen University which is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science as well as the Digital University NRW, among others. In the “” funding line, 18 concepts for digital teaching and learning formats are funded with a total of 10.5 million euros over a time span of two years.

OER is the abbreviation for Open Education Resources – freely accessible e-learning formats such as online courses, learning videos, podcasts, or virtual laboratories. Funded are joint projects between at least three universities, as the goal of the initiative is to promote inter-university collaboration. RWTH is involved in the following five projects, in three of them as project-leading institution:

  • DecisionMaster 2020 – Training Tool for Clinical Decision Making for the Implementation of the National Catalogue of Learning Objectives in Medicine (NKLM) (Professor Martin Georg Häusler, Martin Lemos)
  • Digital Learning Environment – Structural Analysis – as a Holistic Concept (Professor Sven Klinkel, Professor Volker Rexing)
  • Hydro OER – Hydrology Repository (Professor Heribert Nacken, Dr. Malte Persike)
  • Digital Histo Atlas NRW (Professor Thomas Pufe, Professor Cordian Beyer)
  • EOR4EE – Technologies for the Energy Transition (Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer)

Among the participating universities, RWTH Aachen University was granted the largest number of projects with project leader status. According to Professor Aloys Krieg, Vice Rector for Teaching, this success highlights the great acceptance of free online formats at the University: “This shows that we have been driving forward the digitalization of teaching and learning for some time. The coronavirus crisis has demonstrated how important it is to develop digital course offerings for securing student success”.

RWTH Pressemitteilungen

New Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy for Aachen

May 6th, 2020 | by

Logo Fraunhofer SocietyEven in challenging times, future crises must be addressed:
How can the challenges for the energy sector and the energy-intensive industry resulting from the coal phase-out be mastered?

Scientists at the new Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy in Aachen are researching answers to these questions. This week the starting signal was given for the construction of the center (construction work is expected to start in 2022 on the Melaten campus). Under the leadership of Fraunhofer FIT, our chairs Automation of Complex Power Systems (Prof. Monti) and Active Energy Distribution Networks (provisionally Prof. Moser) are also involved.
According to Prof. Wehrspohn, Fraunhofer Executive Board member responsible for technology marketing and business models, this launch will make an important contribution to the innovation-oriented structural change in the Rhenish region. The aim is to lay the foundations for technically reliable, hacker-proof and economically attractive digitalized energy infrastructures in the Rhenish mining area and to put them into operation.

You find more information on the website of Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy

Teaching Award 2019 Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer

February 5th, 2020 | by
Professor Sauer

Foto: ISEA

Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer was awarded the RWTH Teaching Award in the “Lecturer” category. RWTH Aachen has been awarding a teaching prize since 2001 to honor outstanding achievements in teaching at the university. The award recognizes the redesign of the electrical engineering 1 lecture. The award ceremony took place as part of RWTHtransparent on January 31, 2020.

The ISEA is pleased to receive this special award, which also recognizes the work of the employees who contribute to the design of the lecture, the exercises and the exam every semester. Thanks also go to the HiWis, the student council, the media office for teaching and many others Faculty and central university administration services.