
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Information, Kommunikation und Elektronik’

FGE-Kolloquium Redispatch in Germany and Europe online – 17.12.2020

December 17th, 2020 | by

Against the background of the current COVID-19 situation we will hold the FGE Colloquium online, which is planned for 17.12.2020. The event starts at 18.00 hrs. The topic is “Redispatch in Germany and Europe”.

Speaker is Dr. Niels Ehlers from 50Hertz Transmission GmbH.

There will be ff. aspects will be discussed:

  • Higher capacity utilization and congestion management in the power grid
  • European developments
  • New challenges for engineers

Target group: Students, scientific staff, interested public.

If you would like to participate, please let us know via the following email address:

We will then be happy to send you the dial-in data for the event.

Event series FGE Colloquia

Further exciting FGE colloquia, which will take place in the winter semester on the topic of energy technology and economics, is on the following date and can also be accessed via the online flyer:

04.02.2021   Panel Discussion: Electricity war reloaded – is alternating current still up to date?
Prof. Rik W. De Doncker, E.ON ERC, RWTH Aachen, Prof. Jochen Kreusel, ABB Power Grids Germany AG, Peter Barth, Amprion GmbH, Dr. Joachim Kabs, Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG

FGE-Kolloquium with devolo AG online – 3.12.2020

December 3rd, 2020 | by

On Thursday, 03.12.2020 at 18.00 hrs, an event will take place as FGE Colloquium with the title: “The largest national IT project of all times: The digital transformation in the energy industry”.

Speaker of this lecture is Dr. Christoph July from devolo AG.

You will receive the dial-in information for the event at the following e-mail address

The event will take place within the framework of the colloquia of the Forschungsgesellschaft Energie (FGE e.V.) planned for the winter semester 2020/21. Due to the corona pandemic, this event will be held online.

Event series FGE Colloquia

Further exciting FGE colloquia, which will take place in the winter semester on the topic of energy technology and economics, are on the following dates and can also be accessed via the online flyer:

17.12.2020   Redispatch in Deutschland und Europa
Dr. Niels Ehlers, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
04.02.2021   Panel Discussion: Electricity war reloaded – is alternating current still up to date?
Prof. Rik W. De Doncker, E.ON ERC, RWTH Aachen, Prof. Jochen Kreusel, ABB Power Grids Germany AG, Peter Barth, Amprion GmbH, Dr. Joachim Kabs, Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG

Rethinking Intensive Care Medicine

October 5th, 2020 | by

Nowadays, patients receive comprehensive treatment from a number of qualified medical professionals. Through a unique combination of translational medical research, data science and computational intelligence, Clinomic GmbH aims to serve as an interface between medical professionals and databases. The result? Mona, the intelligent assistance system for intensive care units, which is designed to support nurses and doctors in the optimal treatment of their patients.
Clinomic GmbH was founded in 2019 by an interdisciplinary research team. Among the founding members are Univ.-Prof. Anke Schmeink from the Department of Information Theory and Systematic Design of Communication Systems, Prof. Guido Dartmann from theInstitute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems and Dr. med. Arne Peine, Priv.-Doz. Lukas Martin and Univ.-Prof. Gernot Marx from the Universitätsklinik Aachen together with Univ.-Prof. Christoph Thiemermann from the William Harvey Research Institute of Queen Mary University of London.

Since its launch, Clinomic GmbH has not only won the RWTH Spin-off Award 2019, but has also received funding of 1.6 million euros and is a partner of renowned companies such as Microsoft, NVIDIA and Google.

Neuromorphic Computing

September 18th, 2020 | by

DFG grant for “Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems”

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding five projects under the priority program “Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems” with the participation of members of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University. Four of them are projects at the chair of Prof. Rainer Waser IWE2 and the Peter Grünberg Institute of the Forschungszentrum Jülich. A further project was approved in the teaching and research area of Prof. Regina Dittmann “Technology of Oxide Electronics” also at the Peter Grünberg Institute.

The funding for the five Jülich-Aachen projects amounts to approx. 1.2 million EURO for the duration of the priority program of 3 years. Within the framework of the various projects, Faculty 6 will develop memristive components for use in novel energy-efficient computer structures or for intelligent sensor applications for the future Internet of Things in cooperation with other research institutions such as TU Dresden, TU Chemnitz, the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), the Helmholtz-Zentrums Berlin, TU Berlin and the NMI – Natural and Medical Sciences Institute – at the University of Tübingen and the Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center (CogniGron

About the projects:

In the project “Memristive Time difference encoder (MemTDE)” the group of Mrs. Dittmann and the Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center (CogniGron) are working on the development of a memristor-based intelligent electronics for processing sensor signals for the Internet of Things. This is intended to process the collected information on site instead of transmitting it wirelessly using a lot of energy.

In the “Hybrid MEMristor-CMOS Micro Electrode Array bio-sensing platform (MEMMEA)” project, the partners of PGI-7, the Helmholtz Center Berlin, the TU Berlin and the NMI – Natural and Medical Sciences Institute – at the University of Tübingen are striving to develop sensors that can directly record the activity of biological neurons. These sensors based on memristor-CMOS hybrid circuits enable direct on-chip signal processing and open up a new field of biological signal processing.

In the project “Domino Processing Unit: Towards Novel High Efficient In-Memory-Computing (MemDPU)” the partners of PGI-7 and the Chemnitz University of Technology are working on a novel computing unit, the Domino Processing Unit (DPU). In contrast to the conventional von Neumann architecture computing unit, this DPU enables computing directly in memory. With the DPU, the high energy consumption is saved through communication between the memory and the computing unit.

In the project “Universal Memcomputing in Hardware Realizations of Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Networks (Mem2CNN)” the partners of PGI-10, PGI-7 and TU Dresden are pursuing the development of memristive cellular neural networks. These networks enable the direct processing of video signals, for example in the form of edge detection for pattern recognition. Thus, visual data could be processed in real-time.

In the project “Robust Compute-in Memory using Memristors : ROBCOMM”, the partners of IWE 2, PGI-7 and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are working on the development of reliable, efficient circuits based on memristive components that enable a Computation-in-Memory (CIM) architecture. The CIM architecture allows to efficiently perform complex computational operations such as vector-matrix operations or to directly solve large systems of equations.

MiG-V: First RISC-V Made in Germany with HW Security Features

June 19th, 2020 | by


In the context of an industry project, ICE contributed to the HENSOLDT Cyber MiG-V. This is a general purpose, logic-encrypted processor, Made in Germany and targeting high-security applications. Logic encryption hinders the insertion of hardware Trojans, ensuring full control of the design and production chain. The CPU is based on a 64-Bit RISC-V core and can be used together with the formally verified seL4 microkernel (hosted in the chip’s internal ROM) to create an ultra-secure solution

Institute for Commmunication Technologies and Embedded Systems (ICE)

Contest 5G.NRW

June 17th, 2020 | by

State government supports 13 outstanding 5G projects with up to 26 million Euro

The new 5G generation of mobile communications not only enables higher data transmission rates, but also real-time transmission and the networking of machines, systems and robots in industry.
The Department of Information Theory and Systematic Design of Communication Systems ISEK has developed the project 5GComet, a real-time capable 5G-end-to-end infrastructure between field and cloud level for industrial applications in cooperation with Fraunhofer IPT, WZL and other partners. The aim is to achieve a cross-process network of smart workpieces, machines and services for intelligent applications to control and optimize production.
As one of 13 innovative projects, 5GComet is being funded with a total of 26 million euros.

Source: Wirtschaft.NRW

Professor Dr. Haris Gačanin is the newest Professor at our Faculty

May 7th, 2020 | by
Prof. Dr. Haris Gacanin with Rektor Prof. Rüdiger

Copyright: Press Department of RWTH

In April 2020, Professor Dr. Haris Gačanin joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of RWTH Aachen University as a head of the Chair for Distributed Signal Processing and as Co-director of the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems.

After receiving MS.c. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tohoku University in Japan, he joined the university as a Research Fellow of Japan Society for Promotion of Science and later as an Assistant Professor. Before joining our faculty, he was a Department Head at Nokia Bell Labs and adjunct teaching professor at KU Leuven in Belgium.

Now, we are proud to welcome him as a member of our faculty.

I feel privileged and honored to become a professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of RWTH. With new colleagues and brilliant students I will strive to establish our faculty as the leader in next-generation communication technologies and create a world where everyone, information, and goods can be accessed anywhere in an ultra-real experience without being constrained to space and time.

– Professor Dr. Haris Gačanin

Project upBUS

January 8th, 2020 | by

The television format SAT1.NRW just reported about the “upBUS” project, a collaboration of the Chair of High Frequency Electronics and the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design.

The scientists conduct research focussing on a public means of transport, combining the advantages of bus and cableway. The aim is to avoid and decrease inner city traffic jams as efficient as possible with the help of the autonomously driving upBUS. RWTH’s research team plans to implant the project in the city of Essen three years from now.

More information are given in an interview by a member of the research team of the Chair of High Frequency Electronics, David Bierbüsse.

The complete report can be watched on the homgepage of SAT1.NRW.