
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Informationstechnische Systeme’

Contest 5G.NRW

June 17th, 2020 | by

State government supports 13 outstanding 5G projects with up to 26 million Euro

The new 5G generation of mobile communications not only enables higher data transmission rates, but also real-time transmission and the networking of machines, systems and robots in industry.
The Department of Information Theory and Systematic Design of Communication Systems ISEK has developed the project 5GComet, a real-time capable 5G-end-to-end infrastructure between field and cloud level for industrial applications in cooperation with Fraunhofer IPT, WZL and other partners. The aim is to achieve a cross-process network of smart workpieces, machines and services for intelligent applications to control and optimize production.
As one of 13 innovative projects, 5GComet is being funded with a total of 26 million euros.

Source: Wirtschaft.NRW

New Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy for Aachen

May 6th, 2020 | by

Logo Fraunhofer SocietyEven in challenging times, future crises must be addressed:
How can the challenges for the energy sector and the energy-intensive industry resulting from the coal phase-out be mastered?

Scientists at the new Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy in Aachen are researching answers to these questions. This week the starting signal was given for the construction of the center (construction work is expected to start in 2022 on the Melaten campus). Under the leadership of Fraunhofer FIT, our chairs Automation of Complex Power Systems (Prof. Monti) and Active Energy Distribution Networks (provisionally Prof. Moser) are also involved.
According to Prof. Wehrspohn, Fraunhofer Executive Board member responsible for technology marketing and business models, this launch will make an important contribution to the innovation-oriented structural change in the Rhenish region. The aim is to lay the foundations for technically reliable, hacker-proof and economically attractive digitalized energy infrastructures in the Rhenish mining area and to put them into operation.

You find more information on the website of Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy