
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Veranstaltungen’

Climate protection through electrical engineering – Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer’s lecture at the Children’s University

June 16th, 2023 | by
Kinder im Hörsaal

Kinder im Hörsaal. ©RWTH Aachen University

Whether drought, floods or forest fires – the consequences of global warming are dramatic for nature and people. The countries of the global south are being hit particularly hard, but the effects are also being felt here. We experienced this at the latest with the devastating floods in July 2021. That is why we urgently need to address the issue of climate change. 

This is also what Dirk Uwe Sauer, Professor of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Technology at RWTH Aachen University, is doing. He has been researching new energy systems for over 30 years and advises politicians on the energy transition.

„We see in all places that climate change is happening – with many negative consequences. And we urgently need a radical change in the way we have supplied ourselves with energy so far.“

This does not only affect us adults, but especially the children and young people of today. They will have to live with the limitations that climate change will bring. “I don’t think we should underestimate what children know and what they are capable of,” says Professor Sauer.

It is not too late to make a difference

In his lecture, the physicist not only explained the dangers of climate change, but also made the necessary changes understandable. He used various materials such as videos, slides and interactive presentations to show the physical basics and the possibilities through timely action: “I also want to spread optimism and show that things can also get better than they currently are. Because if we still grab the wheel in time, then we still have the possibility to avoid worse things.” For this to happen, however, society must overcome its fear of new technologies. The professor said that there is too much talk about the risks instead of seeing the opportunities. “And we simply can’t afford that now either.” A ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2021 has obliged politicians, and thus the population, to act more quickly. The slower progress is made, the more the living conditions of the next generations are restricted. That is why the previous federal government tightened the climate protection targets and the Climate Protection Act. “We have the opportunity to achieve these goals. We have the necessary technologies to supply all eight billion people in the world properly with renewable energy,” Sauer said.

Climate change is an important issue that concerns us all. But what does it actually mean and how can we work against it? Professor Sauer explained this to the children in his lecture at the Children’s University on 16 June 2023. He showed them how the earth is warming up and what consequences this has for nature and people. He also presented solutions on how we can protect the climate with renewable energies and new technologies. For example, with solar cells that generate electricity from sunlight, or with electric cars that emit no exhaust gases. Professor Sauer showed the children not only the problems of climate change, but also the opportunities that arise from it. He showed them that we can not only influence the climate with our energy supply, but also promote biodiversity.

„I would like to show the children that, for example, large photovoltaic systems on open fields not only generate electricity, but also create space for extensive agriculture, for insects that can live and flourish in these areas again.“

Climate change is a major challenge that we can only overcome together. For this, we need an awareness of the connections between energy and the environment that starts with children. Another goal of the Children’s University event was to get the children excited about scientific topics. “Physics has the great advantage that it can illustrate things very vividly and also show connections,” said Sauer. Using simple means, Professor Sauer showed where research starts and what possibilities can arise through technical progress.

Source: Aachener Zeitung, 16 June 2023

Electrical Engineering Writing Workshop Winter Semester 2022/23

September 30th, 2022 | by
Lernender Student aus der Vogelperspektive

© Martin Braun

Course offer

October 20, 2022 to January 26, 2023

Also this semester the “Writing Workshop Electrical Engineering” is offered for the students of Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The offer is the result of the collaboration of the Writing Center at the Language Center, the Student Advice Centre and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University.

Students have the opportunity to register for one of the two courses offered and thus improve their skills in writing a term paper or final thesis. Necessary knowledge and writing strategies will be taught in a practical way. In addition, students can take advantage of an individual online writing consultation.

The course offer is aimed at all Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology who are writing a term paper or final thesis.


Group 1
Group 2
Thu, 20.10.2022
Thu, 10.11.2022
Thu, 24.11.2022
Thu, 08.12.2022
Thu, 17.11.2022
Thu, 01.12.2022
Thu, 12.01.2023
Thu, 26.01.2023



Registration deadline: September 30 to October 10, 2022

Registration takes place via the user account at RWTH Writing Center.

Upon successful participation, students will receive a certificate and 3 CP, which are creditable for the core elective section. International students have to prove a German language skills of at least C1.2 as a participation requirement.

Contact for inquiries:

SAVE THE DATE: TDEI on November 18, 2022

September 23rd, 2022 | by

Abbildung eines Kalenderblattes 18. November 2022For more than 50 years, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University has stood for the excellent training of highly qualified and responsible engineers. This is regularly reflected in top places in national and international rankings. Last but not least, the constructive business partnerships that enable our students to gain an insight into and work on interesting projects and theses are responsible for this success.

We would like to present this success on the 23rd Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, which will take place on November 18, 2022, and bring companies, students, faculty members and graduates together. We are pleased to be able to invite our graduates to the Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology again this year and to be able to say goodbye in a festive setting.

For the latest information on TDEI 2022, please visit our TDEI page.

Support in Choosing a Degree Programme: Online Workshop of the Student Advice Centre

September 8th, 2022 | by
Laptop, Notizbuch und Kaffee

© Stefan Hense

The Student Advice Centre of RWTH is offering workshop dates in the next few months to support pupils and prospective students in choosing the right degree programme. In small groups, relevant topics are worked on interactively, such as decision-making processes, exploration of interests and self-examination, as well as decision-making aids for the choice of degree programme.

Workshop dates:
Fri, September 9, 2022, 10am to 4pm
Wed, October 5, 2022, 10am to 4pm
Thu, November 10, 2022, 10am to 4pm
Thu, December 8, 2022, 10am to 4pm
Fri, January 20, 2023, 10am to 4pm

In the workshops, participants will be given tools that can support them in their own study orientation. Participation is particularly useful if it is voluntary and there is a willingness to work out one’s own study decision. Please note that the workshop will be held in German.

Participation is free of charge. All information on registration and further details can be found on the workshop page of the Student Advice Centre.

Exhibition at the OECHER LAB

June 8th, 2022 | by
Exponat Kommunikationssysteme im OECHER LAB

© Christiane Antweiler

The Institutes of Communications Engineering and Communication Systems of RWTH Aachen have participated in the Future Space “Smarte Kids – Smarte Stadt” of the OECHER LAB with the subject area of communication systems. In May and June 2022, this Future Space will present exhibits from the STEM field. In addition to communication systems, information can also be obtained on the topics of virtual reality, robotics & microcontrollers and CO2 meters in a manner appropriate to the target group.

The exhibit of the RWTH institutes uses a video to show the performance of three generations of video coding methods that have been developed in recent years. An audio demonstration takes visitors on a short journey through the development of telephony. The goal of current research is spatial telephony, which is also exemplified in the audio track.

Discover our exhibits until the end of June in the OECHER LAB, Kapuziner Karree, Kapuzinergraben 19. For more information, please visit the OECHER LAB website.

© Christiane Antweiler

Fit During and After Pandemic – With Energy Boosters from Student Health Management

April 4th, 2022 | by
Frau mit Apfel in der Hand beim Onlineworkshop

Copyright: Souhaila Chakkour

To give students a break from their daily pandemic routine, the Student Health Management of RWTH Aachen has launched the ” Fit During and After the Pandemic” workshop series. Once a month, starting on April 6 in the summer semester 2022, meetings will be held online to get new impulses for health topic. The following workshops will be offered:

  • Live Cooking: Eastern Flair for Studying at Home
  • Workshop: Restoring Your Balance
  • Live Cooking: Brain Food – Smart Snacking
  • Workshop: Better Vision
  • Live Cooking: Eat in a Way That Helps the Planet
  • Sports Nutrition (Including Live Cooking)

Workshops are held on Wednesdays starting at 6pm. For current dates and registration options, please visit the official Student Health Management workshop page.

Writing Workshop E-Technology SuSe 2022

March 30th, 2022 | by

Course offer

April 21 to June 30, 2022

Hände auf einem Laptop

Copyright: Martin Braun

Also this semester the “Writing Workshop E-Technology” is offered for the students of Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The offer is the result of the collaboration of the Writing Center at the Language Center, the Student Advice Centre and the Faculty of EE & IT at RWTH Aachen University.

Students have the opportunity to register for one of the two courses offered and thus improve their skills in writing a term paper or final thesis. Necessary knowledge and writing strategies will be taught in a practical way. In addition, students can take advantage of an individual online writing consultation.

The course offer is aimed at all Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of EE &IT who are writing a term paper or final thesis.


Group 1
Group 2
Thu, 28.04.2022 Thu, 21.04.2022
Thu, 12.05.2022 Thu, 05.05.2022
Thu, 02.06.2022 Thu, 19.05.2022
Thu, 30.06.2022 Thu, 23.06.2022



Registration deadline: March 28 to April 4, 2022

Registration takes place via the user account at RWTH Writing Center.

Upon successful participation, students will receive a certificate and 3 CP, which are creditable for the core elective section. International students have to prove a German language skills of at least C1.2 as a participation requirement.

Contact for inquiries:

Study worldwide – the virtual fair on March 25, 2022

March 24th, 2022 | by
Drei Studierende vor einem Laptop für die "Studieren weltweit"-Messe

Copyright: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD)

The online fair “Studying worldwide – the virtual fair” will take place again this year. On March 25, 2022, students can get personal advice on studying or doing internships abroad. There will also be a wide-ranging program on financing options and recommended planning steps. Testimonials from former exchange students will give you personal insights that could be valuable for your own planning process.

  • When? March 25, 2022, from 12:30pm to 4:30pm.
  • Where? Online.

For more information and to register for free, visit the “Studying Worldwide” exhibition page.

Agenda FGE-Colloquia WiSe 2021/22

October 15th, 2021 | by

The agenda for the FGE colloquia, which will take place in the winter semester, is now available (see also online Flyer). The audience can expect three exciting events around the topic of energy technology and economics. We would be pleased to welcome you at the events.

The program:

04 November 2021
Dr. Andreas Nolde and Dominic Nailis, Büro für Energiewirtschaft und technische Planung GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Topic: The System Development Plan (SEP): A new element of infrastructure planning.
(The format of this event – depending on Corona protection requirements – will be announced later on the IAEW website).

November 25, 2021
Dr. Markus Imhof, Swissgrid AG.
Topic: System split in the European interconnected grid

January 27, 2022
Rogowski theme evening with Dr. Hendrik Neumann (Amprion GmbH), Dr. Christoph Maurer (Consentec GmbH), Heribert Hauck (TRIMET Aluminium SE), Dr. Christian Becker (STAWAG Stadtwerke Aachen AG and Line Niedeggen (Master student of physics).
Topic: Climate-neutral Germany by 2045 – What needs to be done?

The events on November 25, 2021 and January 27, 2022 will take place online. Dial-in information for the events will be available in time via the IAEW websites and will also be sent via email.

The agenda for the FGE colloquia, which will take place in the winter semester, is now available (see also online Flyer). The audience can expect three exciting events around the topic of energy technology and economics. We would be pleased to welcome you at the events.

The program:

04 November 2021
Dr. Andreas Nolde and Dominic Nailis, Büro für Energiewirtschaft und technische Planung GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Topic: The System Development Plan (SEP): A new element of infrastructure planning.
(The format of this event – depending on Corona protection requirements – will be announced later on the IAEW website).

November 25, 2021
Dr. Markus Imhof, Swissgrid AG.
Topic: System split in the European interconnected grid

January 27, 2022
Rogowski theme evening with Dr. Hendrik Neumann (Amprion GmbH), Dr. Christoph Maurer (Consentec GmbH), Heribert Hauck (TRIMET Aluminium SE), Dr. Christian Becker (STAWAG Stadtwerke Aachen AG and Line Niedeggen (Master student of physics).
Topic: Climate-neutral Germany by 2045 – What needs to be done?

The events on November 25, 2021 and January 27, 2022 will take place online. Dial-in information for the events will be available in time via the IAEW websites and will also be sent via email.


(Deutsch) Lernen. Forschen. Machen. – Der Digitale Alumni Tag 2021

October 7th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.