
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

eCHECKUP- Alcohol Prevention Tool

April 28th, 2022 | by

Bier mit Schriftzug auf EnglischThe Student Health Management recently started offering students at RWTH Aachen University the use of the eCHECKUP TO GO-Alcohol prevention tool for free.

By answering the tool’s questions anonymously, students can reflect on their drinking behaviour and compare their own alcohol consumption with that of their fellow students.

Meanwhile, students receive information about the risks and effects of alcohol consumption and a personal risk evaluation for possible addiction or problematic consumption levels. Among other things, alternative methods of action and goal setting are pointed out and the amount of money spent on alcohol is put in relation to other personal areas of life.

Finally, some counselling centres at RWTH Aachen University and in the Aachen city region are given to the students.

We also recommend our students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology to use the prevention tool so that they can assess and improve the possible impacts of their personal alcohol consumption on their own bodies, finances and studies.

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