
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

SAVE THE DATE: TDEI on November 18, 2022

September 23rd, 2022 | by

Abbildung eines Kalenderblattes 18. November 2022For more than 50 years, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University has stood for the excellent training of highly qualified and responsible engineers. This is regularly reflected in top places in national and international rankings. Last but not least, the constructive business partnerships that enable our students to gain an insight into and work on interesting projects and theses are responsible for this success.

We would like to present this success on the 23rd Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, which will take place on November 18, 2022, and bring companies, students, faculty members and graduates together. We are pleased to be able to invite our graduates to the Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology again this year and to be able to say goodbye in a festive setting.

For the latest information on TDEI 2022, please visit our TDEI page.

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