
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Schlagwort: ‘Cyber Security’

Hackers, attacks and malware – an up-to-date overview

January 10th, 2025 | by
Portrait of a smiling woman

Professor Ulrike Meyer, ©Peter Winandy

Professor Ulrike Meyer from the Department of IT Security at RWTH Aachen will give an online lecture on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, followed by a discussion. Admission is free.

The threats posed by cyberattacks have steadily increased, and IT security has thus increasingly come into focus for companies as well as individuals. During the presentation of the current report on the state of IT security in Germany (2024) by the Federal Office for Information Security, its president Claudia Plattner describes the IT threat situation as “worrisome” and states that “particularly ransomware, espionage, and disinformation endanger our prosperity and our democracy”.

The lecture addresses current attacks and the underlying business models of cybercriminals. Additionally, a selection of solution approaches developed at RWTH for attack detection using machine learning will be presented.

In cooperation with the Computer Science Department of RWTH, FZ Jülich, Regional Group of the Society for Computer Science (RIA), Regional Industrial Club for Computer Science Aachen (Regina), and Aachen Group of the German University Association.

Access to the webinar and video via access link

If someone misses the lecture, they can watch it later as a video.