
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Schlagwort: ‘Informationstechnik’

Prof Leonhardt elected to the German Academy of Science and Engineering

December 12th, 2023 | by
Prof. Steffen Leonhardt, Aufnahme vom Jahr 2014

© Andreas Endermann

The German Academy of Science and Engineering, a prestigious private not-for-profit scientific academy, has recently welcomed 39 new members. Among them is Professor Leonhardt, Chair of Medical Informatics. This expansion of the Academy’s expertise strengthens its ability to provide valuable science-based advice to policymakers and society as a whole. Congratulations!

Established in 2002, the German Academy of Science and Engineering plays a crucial role in advising policymakers on science and technology policy. It operates under the umbrella term acatech, a combination of ‘academy’ and ‘technology’, and has a significant impact beyond national borders, representing the interests of German technological sciences at both national and international levels.

In June 2017, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier became the patron of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, highlighting the institution’s dedication to promoting scientific and technological excellence.

We, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, are proud to congratulate Prof. Steffen Leonhardt on his election to the Academy.

Delegation visits IIT Madras

October 6th, 2023 | by
Professor Leonhardt und Kollegen in Indien

Professor Leonhardt and colleagues © MedIT

The Institute of Medical Information Technology (MedIT) on the road in Chennai, India.

Professor Leonhardt and his colleagues from MedIT and other RWTH institutes visited India in late September, specifically the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras in Chennai. The aim of this visit was to finalise the proposal for an Indo-German Graduate College.

IIT Madras is a premier university for engineering sciences in India, established in 1959 with assistance from the former West German government. The plans for this were arranged in 1956 during a meeting between Jawaharlal Nehru and Konrad Adenauer. The IIT Madras campus spans 2.5 sq km and has a dense forest. Previously, it belonged to the Guindy National Park. Conservation measures are in place for the campus where most students and staff also reside. A variety of wildlife, such as deer, antelope, axi deer, monkeys, snakes, and scorpions, can be found inhabiting the area.

A deer on the campus

© MedIT


Colleagues at work

© MedIT


Bonn Avenue expresses solidarity with Germany.

© MedIT


Visit to the Brain Centre

© MedIT


For more news, visit the MedIT website.

CO2For-IT: A data room for the timber industry with a focus on climate protection

July 17th, 2023 | by
Information flyer about CO2 for IT with a list of all institutes and companies involved.

Project partners in CO2For-IT. © Institute for Man-Machine Interaction RWTH Aachen University

A new initiative to promote a climate-friendly timber industry was launched in July 2023. The CO2For-IT project, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, aims to create a “Forest Data Space” to enable the sustainable use of wood from forests.

The Forest Data Space will provide data on the carbon footprint of the entire timber value chain and therefore support the development of data-based solutions for climate protection. The project is led by Materna Information & Communications SE and coordinated by the Dortmund Institute for Research and Transfer (RIF e.V.). Other partners include RWTH Aachen University, Rhenus Forest Logistics GmbH & Co. KG, HSM Hohenloher Spezial Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Forstliches Forschungs- und Kompetenzzentrum Gotha (ThüringenForst – AöR) and Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e. V. (KWF). In addition, foldAI and iFOS GmbH are collaborating with the project.

Group photo from the Kickoff Event.

© Institute for Man-Machine Interaction RWTH Aachen University


For more information visit: KWH 4.0 | CO2For-IT ( (only in german)

MedIT looks back on 20 years of history

July 7th, 2023 | by

Happy Birthday!

Since the founding of the Chair of Medical Information Technology (formerly the Philips Chair of Medical Information Technology) on 01.08.2003, a lot has happened: new research areas have been opened up, international collaborations have been established, a branch office has been opened and many young PhD students have graduated here.

MedIT is grateful and proud of this development and would like to share it with old and new colleagues, partners and friends.

To mark this occasion, an anniversary celebration will take place in September 2023, which will also include a symposium in which MedIT would like to discuss the past and future of the chair as well as medical technology in Aachen and the world.

Further information on the lecture programme: Das MedIT feiert sein 20-jähriges Bestehen ( (only in german)