
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Kategorie: ‘Berichte’

Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on September 14, 2022

September 22nd, 2022 | by
The photo represents the key points of the network meeting on 14.09.2022.

Source: Own illustration; Freepik

The wait has come to an end and the monthly RDM network meeting is back! After the summer break, data stewards, RDM managers and RDM interested parties from RWTH Aachen University came together again online via Zoom on September 14, 2022. This time, the participants learned about the RDM platform Coscine developed at RWTH and its functions.

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What Does a Data Steward Actually Do? Part 2

September 1st, 2022 | by
The archaeologist Dr. phil. Sophie Helas can be seen in the picture

Dr. phil. Sophie Helas in interview.
Source: Sophie Helas/Own Illustration

In the second part of our series, we have prepared an exciting interview with archaeologist Dr. phil. Sophie Helas, who has been working as a Data Steward at RWTH Aachen University since 2021. We have summarised for you what her motivation was to apply as a Data Steward, what her field of work is like and the challenges she faces in her everyday life.

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Persistent Identifier – PIDs for Archives in Coscine

August 18th, 2022 | by
Biometric technology background with fingerprint scanning system on virtual screen digital remix

Source: Freepik

Three years ago, we provided insights into our RDM statistics on the RDM blog, and in the blog post RDM Statistics: 891 PIDs, we showed how the number of Persistent Identifiers had developed over the last few years up to 2018 at RWTH Aachen University.

But what about the PIDs three years later and to what extent does Coscine play a role in this? We addressed these questions in this blog post.

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Case Study Voyager 1 – Why RDM Is Important

August 4th, 2022 | by
Cartoon astronaut with message flying away

Source: Pixabay

If you want to conduct research at a high level, you inevitably have to deal with research data management and digital long-term archiving to prevent possible data loss. We would like to illustrate why RDM is important and easy to implement, especially in the digital age, using NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft as a case study.

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What Does a Data Steward Actually Do?

July 28th, 2022 | by
Nicole Parks as Data Steward in Interview

Nicole Parks in interview
Source: Own illustration

Do you remember our Data Steward interview series? Two interesting interviews with insights into the job as a data steward appeared on the RDM blog back then. After a somewhat longer absence, we are now celebrating a new edition of the series and would like to immerse you again in the work of the data stewards at RWTH Aachen University, some of whom have recently joined us.

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Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on June 8, 2022

June 15th, 2022 | by
Info and data on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on June 8, 2022

Source: Freepik

On June 8, 2022, the data stewards, RDM managers and people interested in RDM at RWTH Aachen University met again online via Zoom for the regular open meeting of the RDM network. The event took place under the motto Networking of Data Stewards and RDM Managers and offered the opportunity for participants to network with each other and to get to know the various activities and RDM tasks better.

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One Year FAIR Data Spaces – What Has Happened so Far?

June 2nd, 2022 | by
Cupcake with a birthday candle

Source: Unsplash

In May, the “FAIR Data Spaces” project celebrated its first anniversary. The project application was submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the beginning of April last year. The funding already started on May 17, 2021. Since then, the FAIR Data Spaces community has been built up and the first milestones have been reached together. In this blog post, we take a look at what has happened in the last year.

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Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on May 11, 2022

May 19th, 2022 | by
Info and data on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on May 11, 2022

Source: Freepik

On May 11, 2022, it was once again time for the monthly open meeting of the RDM network. Around 70 data stewards, RDM managers and those interested in RDM at RWTH Aachen University came together online via Zoom. This time, the main topic was research funding with a focus on the innovations and requirements of the DFG for RDM.





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