
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Kategorie: ‘Informationen & Beratung’

Changes at the DFG – Uniform Template for the Curriculum Vitae

September 15th, 2022 | by
Two different hands handing each other a template

Source: Freepik

In order to initiate a cultural change in science evaluation and improve equal opportunities in this context, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has put together a corresponding package of measures. As a result, the DFG is changing the application forms and introducing a uniform and mandatory template for CVs. In the new RDM blog post, we take a closer look at the innovations and the reasons behind them.

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RDM Projects in Germany – EVER_RDM

August 25th, 2022 | by
Different hands and fingers point to a common project

Source: Freepik

The last article in our series on “RDM projects in Germany” (only available in German) was published over a year ago. Perhaps one or two of our readers can still remember it. Now it is time to dust off the series again and revive it, because there is a new project in which Research Data Danagement itself is the subject of investigation. May we introduce? Project EVER_RDM – Development and Dissemination of Research Data Management at Universities of Applied Sciences.

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Persistent Identifier – PIDs for Archives in Coscine

August 18th, 2022 | by
Biometric technology background with fingerprint scanning system on virtual screen digital remix

Source: Freepik

Three years ago, we provided insights into our RDM statistics on the RDM blog, and in the blog post RDM Statistics: 891 PIDs, we showed how the number of Persistent Identifiers had developed over the last few years up to 2018 at RWTH Aachen University.

But what about the PIDs three years later and to what extent does Coscine play a role in this? We addressed these questions in this blog post.

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RDM Workshops in the 2nd Half of the Year – Register Now!

August 11th, 2022 | by
View of a table over the shoulder of a person working on a laptop computer

Source: Martin Braun

The RDM further education programme for researchers at RWTH Aachen University in the 2nd half of 2022 is now online. Register right now and save your place in the workshop!

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Case Study Voyager 1 – Why RDM Is Important

August 4th, 2022 | by
Cartoon astronaut with message flying away

Source: Pixabay

If you want to conduct research at a high level, you inevitably have to deal with research data management and digital long-term archiving to prevent possible data loss. We would like to illustrate why RDM is important and easy to implement, especially in the digital age, using NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft as a case study.

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A Really Good „IDEA“ – The New RDM-Podcast

July 21st, 2022 | by
Podcast is playing on a Smartphone.

Source: Pexel

What works in RDM practice and what is better not to do? You can find out in the new podcast “IDEA”, which we present in our new blog post.

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Coscine Mailing List

July 14th, 2022 | by
Email messages mapped as network boards

Source: Freepik

Services are constantly evolving, and so is our research data integration platform Coscine. Those who do not want to miss updates, new features and further developments on Coscine have from now on the possibility to stay informed via the new Coscine mailing list.

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3rd Open Data Impact Award – Stifterverband Once Again Seeks Innovative Open Data

June 30th, 2022 | by
Woman celebrating with a confetti cannon under blue sky

Source: Unsplash

As part of its initiative innOsci – Forum for Open Innovation Culture, the Stifterverband is announcing the Open Data Impact Award for the third time. The initiative aims to make Open Data in science more visible and strengthen it. The cooperation partner is DUZ – Magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. A funding amount totalling 30,000 euros will be provided.

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Do you already have an ORCID?

June 23rd, 2022 | by
Logo of ORCID-iD


More than 14 million ORCID iDs already exist worldwide (source:

What the ORCID iD is, what advantages it brings you in your everyday research, as well as further information about its use at RWTH Aachen University can be found in this blog post.


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