Kategorie: ‘Services’
Young Academics Day 2024
The next Young Academics Day, or YAD for short, is just around the corner: once a year, the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Young Academics, Prof. Sabine Brück-Dürkop, and the RWTH Center for Young Academics (CYA) invite all doctoral students and postdocs at RWTH to the Young Academics Day at the SuperC. The RDM team will also be represented with a Coscine and RDM booth on September 5, 2024. Meet our team at the “Marketplace of RWTH Services” for early career researchers.
data.ONE – Data Literacy Basic Course I
The ability to collect, evaluate, manage, analyze and interpret data appropriately and critically is indispensable in the 21st century. And it is precisely this key competence of data literacy that is the focus of the data.RWTH project. Since 2021, data literacy has been taught to students of all subjects in a multi-perspective and fundamental way as part of the data.RWTH program, which consists of online courses. In the following, we are pleased to present the first course data.ONE.
ELN at RWTH: Pilot Phase with eLabFTW
In the ever-evolving landscape of research, documentation remains a cornerstone of scientific progress. Traditionally, researchers have relied on analog lab journals, but the shift towards digital solutions offers numerous advantages. Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) not only enhance searchability, allowing easy retrieval of past experiments, but also ensure consistency through structured templates and metadata profiles.
Coscine & fdm.nrw in the FAIR-IMPACT Support Programme

The application of Coscine in cooperation with fdm.nrw to participate in the FAIR-IMPACT Support Programme for repositories and data service providers has been successfully confirmed. This inclusion in the second call for Route 1 expert support marks an important step for both organizations and the further development of their services.
Read this blog post for more details about the program and its goals and challenges.
Central RDM Services at the RWTH: AIMS – Application Profile Service
This article is part of our series “Central RDM Services at RWTH Aachen“. It is intended to show our researchers – i.e. you – which RDM services are offered at RWTH Aachen University to support you in your research and data management. We talk to the people responsible for the services and collect all the information for you in the individual articles. In this article, we would like to introduce you to the RDM service “AIMS”.
Open Meeting of the RDM Network in June 2024

Source: Own illustration; Freepik
On June 12, 2024, the open meeting of the RDM network at RWTH Aachen University on the topic of “Publication – Open Access and Data Publication” took place online via Zoom again. After the last RDM network meeting, which took place as a face-to-face event at the University Library of RWTH Aachen University, the RDM team of RWTH Data Stewards invited doctoral students, postdocs and those interested in RDM to the virtual open meeting of the RDM.
NFDI-MatWerk Digitization Survey
NFDI-MatWerk is developing a research data infrastructure for materials science and engineering. To this end, the NFDI consortium with RWTH affiliation is now surveying the needs of the materials science and engineering community for the second time.