Schlagwort: ‘Digitalisierung’
New Data Strategy for Germany

Source: Freepik
Germany is getting a new National Data Strategy – this was decided by the Federal Cabinet on August 30, 2023. The new strategy “Progress through data use – Strategy for more and better data for new, effective and forward-looking data use” is intended to build on the existing data strategy from 2021 and promote the development and expansion of data competencies.
“FAIRThesis” Receives FCI Funding

Source: Freepik
The teaching project “FAIRThesis” by Prof. Sonja Herres-Pawlis (RWTH Aachen University) and Dr. Nicole Jung (KIT) receives funding from the Chemical Industry Fund (FCI). The project not only ensures a deepening in the field of Research Data Management (RDM) but also enables master and bachelor students to use the electronic laboratory journal Chemotion for research and final theses.