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Schlagwort: ‘open access’

Open Meeting of the RDM Network in June 2024

June 27th, 2024 | by
Meeting of the RDM Network on the topic "Publication - Open Access and Data Publication"

Source: Own illustration; Freepik

On June 12, 2024, the open meeting of the RDM network at RWTH Aachen University on the topic of “Publication – Open Access and Data Publication” took place online via Zoom again. After the last RDM network meeting, which took place as a face-to-face event at the University Library of RWTH Aachen University, the RDM team of RWTH Data Stewards invited doctoral students, postdocs and those interested in RDM to the virtual open meeting of the RDM.


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Open Meeting of the RDM Network in March 2024

March 21st, 2024 | by
Key dates for the Open Meeting of the RDM network on March 13, 2024

Source: Own illustration; Freepik

On March 13, 2024, the open meeting of the RDM network of RWTH Aachen University for data stewards, RDM managers and those interested in RDM took place again. The topic of the digital meeting was “open science” and was presented by Monica Gonzalez-Marquez – open science Manager at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

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RDM Explains – What is Open Access?

January 12th, 2023 | by
Iconic search bar for scientific online publications

Source: Freepik

Open Access publications are becoming increasingly relevant in many disciplines, but at the same time they are still often viewed with differentiation or even scepticism. For scientific progress and further research, however, it is indispensable that a broad mass of people can access and use the results. We have therefore taken a closer look at the topic of Open Access.

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Nachbericht des Offenen Netzwerktreffens am 13. Mai

May 29th, 2020 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Am 13.05. fand das dritte offene Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM)- Netzwerktreffen zum Thema: „Open Access, Open Data“ statt. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation kamen die FDM-Verantwortlichen der operativen Ebene und Data Stewards diesmal online zusammen.

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Offenes Netzwerktreffen am 13. Mai findet digital statt!

April 30th, 2020 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Die im Februar gestartete Reihe der offenen FDM-Netzwerktreffen wurde aus aktuellem Anlass zunächst abgesagt, findet nun aber doch in neuem Rahmen statt. Wie viele andere Veranstaltungen auch, wird das Netzwerktreffen diesmal digital abgehalten. Die Themen: Open Access, Open Data.

Das Netzwerktreffen richtet sich an die FDM-Verantwortlichen auf operativer Ebene in ihrem Arbeitskreis, Institut, Graduiertenkolleg oder Sonderforschungsbereich.

Ziel der Treffen ist es, einen Austausch über häufig gestellte Fragen und Best Practices zu ermöglichen und ein koordiniertes Netzwerk an der RWTH Aachen University aufzubauen. Monatliche Folgetreffen sind bereits geplant. Read the rest of this entry »