
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘Vortrag’

Follow-up Report on the RDM Network Meeting in June

June 22nd, 2023 | by
The photo represents the key points such as date, topic, etc. for the open meeting oft he RDM network on June 14, 2023

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung; Freepik

On June 14, 2023, data stewards, RDM responsible persons and RDM interested persons of RWTH Aachen University met again for the regular open meeting of the RDM network online via Zoom. This time, an exciting lecture on “RDM in clinical studies” awaited the participants.
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This Was the Research Data Day 2022 – A Review of the Morning Program Across Different Locations

November 24th, 2022 | by
Info picture for the Research Data Day in NRW on 15 November 2022. Topic of the event: Lighthouse FDM: Orientation in the sea of data.

Lighthouse RDM: Orientation in the data sea

After last year’s great success, the Day of Research Data in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) entered its second round on November 15, 2022 under the motto “Lighthouse RDM: Orientation in the data sea”. The event started with the digital morning program across different locations. We were there again this year and have summarized the program for you.

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Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on February 9, 2022

February 17th, 2022 | by
RDM network meeting

Source: Unsplash

The RDM Team invited to the second open meeting of the Research Data Management (RDM) network this year on February 9, 2022 online via Zoom. The two originally planned presentations had to be cancelled due to illness, but the RDM team showed spontaneity and presented the plans for the new FDM continuing education concept at RWTH to the data stewards, RDM officers and RDM interested parties.

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Zweiter Rückblick in den Tag der Forschungsdaten – Das standortübergreifende Vormittagsprogramm

December 2nd, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Nachbericht TdF

Quelle: Pixabay

Unter dem Motto „Wer Ordnung hält, hat Zeit zum Forschen: Fahrpläne für Forschungsdaten!“ fand am 16.11.2021 der erste Tag der Forschungsdaten in NRW statt. Im digitalen Vormittagsprogramm berichteten Forschende verschiedener Hochschulen von ihren Strategien für ein gutes Forschungsdatenmanagement und wie sie diese in der Praxis umsetzen. Wir waren mit dabei und haben das Vormittagsprogramm für Sie zusammengefasst.

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