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PPCES 2010

Monday, 22. March 2010 - Friday, 26. March 2010

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science 2010

HPC Seminar

Monday, March 22, 11:00 – Friday, March 26, 2010, 15:30

in the Center for Computing and Communication

After the HPC Seminar …

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This event will continue the tradition of previous annual SunHPC events and last year’s PPCES event  taking place in Aachen since 2001. We keep continuously changing the format a little bit over the years. This year we are going to include a half day workshop on GPGPU programming for the first time.

As usual, we will cover parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI in Fortran and C/C++ with a focus on the Linux and Windows Platforms.

Starting on Monday we will give basic introductions into the programming development environments on these platforms which are available for the lab exercises during the following days. For those who feel comfortable with one platform, this will also be a nice opportunity to get hands on the other one.

Tuesday will be dedicated to message passing with MPI and on Wednesday will cover shared memory programming with OpenMP. On Thursday we will focus on performance tuning issues while on Friday we will concentrate on GPGPU programming issues.
You can register for all five days separately so that you can choose your favourite topics. Of course you are welcome to register for all five days.


Attendees should be comfortable with C/C++ or Fortran programming and interested in learning more about the technical details of application tuning and parallelization. The presentations will be given in English language.


The list of speakers includes:
  • Ruud van der Pas (Oracle) on Thursday
  • Timo Stich (NVIDIA) on Friday
  • Bernd Dammann (DTU) on Friday
  • Members of the RWTH HPC Team throughout the whole week.
Agenda and Registration

Please find here Agenda, PosterFlyer, Fotos

Course Material

Course Material 2010


March 22, 2010
PPCES Welcome – Dieter an Mey download
Program Dev. Linux – Dirk Schmidl download
User Environment Linux & Windows – Dirk Schmidl download
Program Dev. Windows – Christian Terboven download
March 23, 2010
MPI Basics – Dieter an Mey download
Case Study – Adv. Integration – Dieter an Mey download
Case Study – FLOWER – Dieter an Mey download
Case Study – Jacobi – Dieter an Mey download
Case Study – Matrix – Dieter an Mey download
MPI Overview – Dieter an Mey download
MPI Parallelization Strategies – Dieter an Mey download
MPI Debugging MARMOT – Christian Iwainsky download
March 24, 2010
Intro OpenMP – Christian Terboven download
Advanced OpenMP – Christian Terboven download
Using OpenMP – Christian Terboven download
Performance Tuning OpenMP – Christian Terboven download
March 25, 2010
Tuning for Cache Based Systems – Ruud van der Pas (Oracle)
Performance Analysis with Oracle Dev. Tools – Ruud van der Pas (Oracle)
Intro Performance Tuning in Aachen – Christian Iwainsky download
Performance Tuning Basics – Christian Iwainsky download
HPC Tools on Windows – Christian Terboven download
Case Study – MPI Parallelization of DROPS – Oliver Fortmeier download
March 26, 2010
PPCES GPU Day Introduction – Dieter an Mey download
GPU HW Architecture – Timo Stich (Nvidia)
GPGPU In Depth – Timo Stich (Nvidia)
GPGPU Paradigms – Boris Bierbaum download
User Experiences: GPU Lab at DTU Informatics- Bernd Dammann (DTU) download
User Experiences: GPU-based Singles and Coincidence Computing – Benjamin Goldschmidt (LfBS) download
User Experiences: GPGPU at IAC Aachen – Arne Luechow download
User Experiences: Performance gain in VASP using GPGPU – Stefan Maintz (Inorganic Chemistry) download
User Experiences: CUDA Assisted Vis. Obj. Detection – Patrick Sudowe (UMIC) download


There is no seminar fee. All other costs (e.g. travel, hotel, and consumption) are at your own expenses.


Dieter an Mey
Tel.: +49 241 80 24377
Fax/UMS: + 49 241 80 624377


Monday, 22. March 2010
Friday, 26. March 2010
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