New year and new beginnings! And new year also means good resolutions. As every year, one of our good resolutions is to increase your satisfaction. As we recently reported in our post about customer satisfaction, your opinion is very important to us and we ask for it regularly. So, in order for us to tackle our good resolution and improve this year as well, we need your feedback! This is why, starting february 10, 2021, you have the opportunity to tell us anonymously whether or not you were satisfied with our service in support requests.
For every support request you send to the IT-ServiceDesk, you will receive another e-mail from us within 24 hours of completing your request. Through this email we would like to know if you were satisfied with the handling of your request. It will contain two links for you to choose from. You can use these links to give us either positive or negative feedback. You will be able to update your feedback at any time after submitting it. This new feedback feature is expected to be tested during one year.
This simple feature will allow us to track overall user satisfaction and improve our service for you in the long-term. If you do not wish to use this feedback function, you may of course inform us by e-mail. We can deactivate it for your. We would be very pleased about an active use of this brand-new function.
Responsible for the content of this article is Stéphanie Bauens.