Kategorie: ‘Support, Services & Updates’
Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
Imagine working every day on a computer that seems to run smoothly. Everything works as usual – until one day a security problem is discovered that nobody knew about. Suddenly, a security vulnerability is discovered that attackers have known about for weeks or even months and taken advantage of undetected. This type of vulnerability is known as a zero-day vulnerability. In this blog post, we’ll explore what exactly zero-day vulnerabilities are, why they are particularly dangerous and how best to deal with them.
RWTHapp: New Feature for Loans in the University Library
We are pleased to announce an exciting new feature in the RWTHapp! From now on, all RWTH students have the opportunity to borrow books from the University Library (UB) even more easily. The new barcode scanning feature of the RWTHapp makes borrowing books easier than ever before.
IT Center Annual Review 2024
The year 2024 is drawing to a close – a year full of exciting projects, successful collaborations and unforgettable moments at the IT Centre. From innovative events and new partnerships to internal team celebrations and significant changes and new ones, the year was characterised by growth, collaboration and joint development. In our annual review, we take a look at the highlights, changes and successes that made our year so special.
New Year at the IT Center: Together into 2025
The IT Center wishes all readers a happy new year! Just as you, dear reader, have probably been thinking about good resolutions that you want to try to realise in 2025, we have also made some plans for 2025: Together with you, we want to implement exciting projects, drive forward digital innovations and make IT services even more user-friendly.
From Research Data Storage (RDS) to DataStorage.nrw
Coscine gives you the opportunity to store your research data using various resources. From next year, there will be a fundamental change: The new DataStorage.nrw will replace the previous Research Data Storage (RDS).
In this blog series, we would like to introduce you to the advantages of the new storage system, explain the process of applying for storage space and go into the details of the migration from the old to the new system.
What Was Going on? – Disruption on November 21, 2024
Anyone who was at RWTH on that day or tried to connect via VPN from the road felt it: On November 21, 2024, starting around 10 a.m., many of our IT services no longer functioned as we wanted them to. RWTH e-mail, Eduroam, VPN, RWTHmoodle as well as the entire RWTH Single Sign-On—the login for a large part of the services at RWTH—stopped working. All this was due to a malfunction of our F5 load balancer. In this blog post, we will transparently explain how this massive disruption occurred.
The Digital Submission of Theses Is Here!
After reporting on the pilot of “Submission of Final Theses” (DivA) in May last year, we can now announce that the application is now available to all RWTH students. After extensive testing and many improvements in the extended pilot phase, we can now ensure that everything runs smoothly at the end of the degree programme.