It’s starting again… The winter semester 2023 / 2024 is just around the corner. Then the lecture halls and cafeterias will once again be filled with countless students – at RWTH there are currently just over 47,000!
With the start of the winter semester, we will once again be welcoming many first-year students to RWTH. Since we know that there is a lot to do between enrollment and the first lecture, we have created a “Guide for New Students” for you. There you will learn step by step what you have to do to be able to use the IT services of the RWTH that are necessary for your studies.
New enrollees
When you enroll at RWTH for the first time, you will receive an email. This has the subject “Welcome to RWTH” and contains your ConnectMe coupon code. This code is your admission ticket! When you redeem the code, you will register in the RWTH’s identity management system and receive a username in the form “ab123456”. Be sure to memorize it, because the username will be one of the most important identities for your time at RWTH together with your matriculation number.
After the redemption all necessary accounts and accesses will be created for you. Since many systems have to be informed that you are here, this can take up to 48 hours. Therefore, please be patient – we have to introduce you to many systems .
You have been enrolled at RWTH Aachen University before or maybe you already have a user name at RWTH due to a previous employment? Then you do not need the e-mail with the coupon code. The system automatically assigns the status “RWTH student” to your existing user name and thus all necessary authorizations. So you don’t have to do anything else for the time being – except be a little patient. In this case, too, it will take up to 48 hours after the status is granted until all other systems are informed and your accesses are reactivated.
Checklist for IT Services
In the guide for new students we have added a checklist of IT services that are important for your studies. There, the IdM Selfservice is explained and how you can apply for the BlueCard – the student ID card of the RWTH. In addition, each student receives a personal RWTH e-mail address where you can receive important information about your studies. You will also find important information and links to RWTHonline and RWTHmoodle.
Home Is Where the WiFi Connects Automatically
To make you feel at home at the RWTH, there is of course a university WLAN. This is called “eduroam”. The beauty of eduroam? It is a worldwide initiative, which means that you can automatically use the WLAN at other participating research institutions.
We have explained how to create access data for eduroam in a video and uploaded it to the IT Center’s YouTube channel. Of course, we have also linked you to click instructions in the guide for new students.
Help & Support
If you get stuck, our colleagues at the IT-ServiceDesk will be happy to help you! Either the IT-ServiceDesk can help you directly or explain to you where you need to go. Contact details and opening hours can be found on the IT Center website.
We wish you a good start and a great time at RWTH!
Responsible for the content of this article is Linda Jörres.