
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Bewerbung’

ZKI “Training” Working Group in Wolfenbüttel

June 14th, 2024 | by
A Photo of the Town of Wolfenbüttel

Source: Own Illustration

The ZKI working group “Training” has invited to a joint meeting in Wolfenbüttel from May 14 to 16, 2024. As trainers in the Service and Communication department at the IT Center, we were of course there to exchange ideas with 10 other universities from all over Germany.

We dealt with the following questions, among others:

“How does training work at other universities? What is the recruitment and induction process like? What do modern job interviews look like for us?


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The First Step to Training: Applying Properly

March 13th, 2023 | by
Pen and sheet with inscription "Application”

Source: Pixabay

Doing a vocational training at a university? How can that be done? Quite simply! Even though a university is often associated with a study program, you still have the opportunity to complete vocational trainings at the various central offices, institutes and chairs. And this is also the case here at the IT Center.

In this next article of our blog series on the vocational training program for management assistants in dialogue marketing – DiMa for short – we will introduce you to the application process. If you are interested in an apprenticeship or know someone who is, it’s worth reading on and keeping an eye on all the other posts in this blog series.


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