Schlagwort: ‘Cloud-Dienst’
ZKI – From Project to Working Group

Source: Pixabay
As a partner, the IT Center actively supports the design of digitalisation processes at RWTH Aachen University. This also includes the use of cloud services and the correspondingly increasing needs of teaching staff, researchers and students at RWTH Aachen University. The flexibility and scalability of cloud services can be a means of meeting the ever more rapidly changing IT requirements of users.
Nice to know: sciebo
In today’s “Nice to know” article we would like to introduce another special service that you can use as a member of the RWTH Aachen University: the cloud service sciebo.
Sciebo – the campus cloud
Sciebo is a free cloud storage service for research, study and teaching. The service enables the automatic synchronization of data on different end devices. You can not only share your data with other users, but also work together on documents. Each user has 30 GB of free storage space available. For research projects, project boxes of up to 2 TB are provided. Employees can even increase the quota of 30 GB to 500 GB on their own.

Welcome to sciebo
Source: Sciebo