Schlagwort: ‘Feiern’
Carnival at the IT Center: Ready for the Clownish Season!
The fifth season is just around the corner, and at the IT Center we can hardly wait to celebrate these colourful days in style! Carnival is not only a time of celebration, but also a wonderful opportunity to experience community and admire the creative costumes of our colleagues. The festive season begins on November 11 at 11:11 am.
Happiness Happens Day: Are You Happy?
A simple question – but always a simple answer?
Happiness is achievable and tomorrow, August 8, is a curious holiday that you can celebrate! We have 10 types of happiness for you today and will make your day a little happier today.
The Year 2021 in Review – IT Center Blog Edition
It’s hard to believe: December is already drawing to a close and a new year is practically in sight. We also take a look back and take you with us as we review the year 2021… Read the rest of this entry »