Schlagwort: ‘Klausur’
Upgrade for Writing Back Exams: In-House Development “MosesInt” Helps

Source: Own Illustration
Do you know how exam dates are organized at RWTH? Every semester, a large number of dates are planned centrally using the “carpe diem!” software and then transferred to RWTHonline – a process known as “exam re-registration”.
Until now, the complex merging of data from both systems has posed a particular challenge. As the software providers were not yet able to provide an automated solution for the process, the IT Center and the departments involved had to resort to manual workarounds.
Thanks to the “MosesInt” project, this is now a thing of the past! Read more about the new local app “Exam planning and write-back”, which has now been made available, in the article.
Exam Scan – Digital Inspection

Source: Own Illustration
Digital inspections offer a number of advantages: They save resources by reducing the use of staff, students can participate remotely and receive a copy of the exam without additional effort, which they are allowed to request in accordance with the Higher Education Act in NRW.
In order to be able to use these advantages for paper pencil exams, the IT Center, CLS and the Chair of Controlling at RWTH Aachen University have developed Exam Scan, a Moodle plugin that prepares such exams for digital viewing.