Schlagwort: ‘Schutz’
Which Browser Is the Most Secure?

Source: Safer Internet Day
To mark Safer Internet Day, we want to raise awareness of online safety and help you to better protect your digital environment. In an increasingly digitalized world where online security is becoming more and more important, choosing the right browser is a crucial step in protecting yourself from cybercrime and unwanted access. But which browser is the most secure? In this article, we have done some research and provide you with an overview of the most popular browsers and their security features. You can also read our previous article to find out more about internet security.
Between Viruses and Worms

Source: Freepik
With the advent of the Internet in our everyday lives, the risk of malware such as viruses, worms and Trojans has increased dramatically. What began in the 1980s with distribution via floppy discs and CD-ROMs now takes place almost exclusively via the Internet. Various techniques and technologies make modern malware more inconspicuous and at the same time more dangerous – from stealthy data theft to automatic distribution via botnets.
Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Source: Own Illustration
Imagine working every day on a computer that seems to run smoothly. Everything works as usual – until one day a security problem is discovered that nobody knew about. Suddenly, a security vulnerability is discovered that attackers have known about for weeks or even months and taken advantage of undetected. This type of vulnerability is known as a zero-day vulnerability. In this blog post, we’ll explore what exactly zero-day vulnerabilities are, why they are particularly dangerous and how best to deal with them.
Security in E-mail Traffic 2: Encryption

Source: Freepik
It regularly happens that personal data or other sensitive information such as temporary passwords, application documents etc. need to be transmitted quickly. The choice often falls on the exchange by e-mail. However, this data must be protected against unauthorized access by third parties. In order to still be able to use e-mail, the e-mails must be encrypted. We will show you how this works in the following blog post, along with other relevant information on the subject. Go back to the first blog post in our series to read more about digital signatures.
Security in E-mail Traffic 1: Digital Signing

Source: Freepik
Did you know that in June 2024, more than 80% of all incoming emails at RWTH Aachen University were identified as suspicious by the email security defense systems? [1] You may now be thinking of terms such as phishing emails or spam emails.
At some point, every recipient of an email asks themselves the question: How do I know whether the sender address is trustworthy and genuine? On the other hand, every sender asks themselves at some point: How do I know whether my email has demonstrably reached the recipient unchanged? One answer to this is: Always sign emails digitally! We would like to take a closer look at this process with you in the following blog post.
Data Privacy on the Internet: Protect Your Privacy

Source: Freepik
In our digital age, digital data has become the most valuable asset. Every click, every search query, every ‘Like’ are collected and analysed. For many companies, this data is of inestimable value, for example in order to better understand target groups, place personalised advertising, etc. However, while companies can use this data to boost their business, criminals also have a keen interest in such data, as any of this information can potentially be used to cause harm. From identity theft to financial losses – the risks are numerous. Protecting your own data is therefore more important than ever before. In this blog post, we would like to give you a few suggestions on how you can protect your privacy on the internet.
ZKI – From Project to Working Group

Source: Pixabay
As a partner, the IT Center actively supports the design of digitalisation processes at RWTH Aachen University. This also includes the use of cloud services and the correspondingly increasing needs of teaching staff, researchers and students at RWTH Aachen University. The flexibility and scalability of cloud services can be a means of meeting the ever more rapidly changing IT requirements of users.