

BaLSaM project at IHTA invites to the kickoff event

10. Januar 2023 | von

The BaLSaM project investigates how traffic noise can be simulated and auralized, aiming to develop concepts to minimize road noise to create more pleasant environments. The goal is to make living spaces more attractive for people. For this purpose, the simulation focuses on the noise perception of humans so that the noise pollution is represented as accurately as possible. This simulation technique will later be used in planning traffic and living spaces. Additionally, an optimization study for exemplary scenarios will also be carried out during the project. If you are interested in this topic, we would like to invite you to the online BaLSaM kickoff event. You can register here: (DE) http://bit.ly/BaLSaMde

BaLSaM is funded within the mFUND framework.

The BaLSAM project partners are:

BaLSaM stands for “Braunkohlereviere als attraktive Lebensräume durch Straßengeräuschsimulation auf Basis bestehender Verkehrsdaten zur Minimierung von Lärm” and more information on the project can be found here: https://www.ika.rwth-aachen.de/de/pressemitteilungen/4140-attraktive-lebensräume-fürs-braunkohlerevier-–-projekt-balsam-hilft,-belastung-durch-straßenlärm-zu-minimieren.html

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