
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

(Deutsch) FGE-Kolloquium: Sonnenfinsternis – eine Herausforderung für das europäische Verbundsystem der Stromnetze

July 9th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

CARL – Interdisciplinary Research Institution in Aachen

July 6th, 2021 | by

Copyright: KSG

A center for fundamental research into the ageing of battery materials and power electronic systems is currently being established at RWTH Aachen University. The “Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems“, CARL for short, is an interdisciplinary research facility where staff from ten core professorships and around 20 other chairs and institutes at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich can conduct groundbreaking research. These include scientists from the disciplines of chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, materials science, mechanical and electrical engineering. The question of service life is essential when considering economic viability. For instance, this is important for car manufacturers, depreciation periods, warranties and to be able to assess reliability as part of functional safety.

(Deutsch) Mobilfunkexpertise in Nordrhein-Westfalen – BMBF wählt 6G-Forschungs-Hubs aus

July 6th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Competence Cluster Battery Utilization Concepts (BattUtilization)

July 4th, 2021 | by


Copyright: ISEA

With the further spread of renewable energies and electromobility, powerful and reliable energy storage systems are becoming increasingly important. When is the secondary use of battery storage possible and for which applications is it useful? This question is being addressed by the project partners from research and industry in the new Battery Utilization Concepts ( BattNutzung) cluster, which is being funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research with around 20 million euros. The cluster is coordinated by Prof. Sauer from ISEA. Together with the competence cluster greenBatt, the BattNutzung cluster forms the cross-sectional initiative “Battery Life Cycle”. This aims at a holistic view of second use and recycling concepts, which is to be enabled by linking the two clusters and through a cross-cluster exchange.

RWTH spin-off acquired – Silexica now belongs to Xilinx Inc.

July 2nd, 2021 | by

RWTH spin-off Silexia, founded in 2014 at the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems, was acquired this past week by Xilinx, Inc. the current market leader in adaptive computing. Founded by Maximilian Odendahl, Johannes Emigholz, Dr. Weihua Sheng, Prof. Jeronimo Castrillon and Prof. Rainer Leupers within the UMIC Cluster of Excellence, the start-up was initially funded through the BMBF’s EXIST- program, and early industrial technology sponsors included Huawei and Samsung. Since then, the company has raised a total of around US$28 million from international investors and has become a leading provider of C/C++ programming and analysis tools for multicore and FPGA system-on-chip architectures.

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer is a new member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science

June 22nd, 2021 | by

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer is a new member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, which transcends disciplinary and national borders. For more than 300 years, the Academy has brought together outstanding scientists, among them 80 Nobel Prize winners. Professor Sauer is a member of the Academy’s technical science class. At our faculty, Professor Sauer holds the Chair of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Technology. His chair is an integral part of the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), the Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), and the joint Helmholtz Institute HIMS with Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Münster. With his work, Dirk Uwe Sauer is significantly advancing the field of battery research in Germany, which is highly application-oriented. In addition to his actual research, he also always keeps an eye on the overall view of future energy systems, so that he can carefully evaluate alternative technologies along the time axis, such as hydrogen versus battery technologies. His expertise also makes him a sought-after advisor to policymakers: for example, he is a member of the German government’s National Platform for Electromobility and Platform for Mobility and is on the BMBF’s Battery Research Advisory Board.

Further Information:

RWTH Pressemitteilungen 

Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe

(Deutsch) FGE-Vortrag: Digitalisierung im Verteilnetz – Netztransparenz und Big Data Analytics für Netzbetrieb und Netzplanung

May 14th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

2020 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy

April 22nd, 2021 | by

Univ. Prof. Ferdinanda Ponci, Teaching and Research Field Monitoring and Distributed Control for Energy Systems, and Univ. Prof. Antonello Monti, Head of ACS and Chair of Automation of Complex Power Systems, have received the 2020 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy for their publication “A benchmark system for hardware-in-the-loop testing of distributed energy resources”.

IEEE 2020 Best Papers and Outstanding Reviewers


Profile Area Information & Communication Technology

April 14th, 2021 | by

The Profile Area Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) plays an important role in all global challenges the institutional strategy of RWTH Aachen University addresses. Major topics of ICT such as Smart Systems, eHealth & AAL, Wireless Communication or Data Mining have an enormous research potential and a considerable practical relevance. On the following pages you will find detailed information about our objectives, issues, activities and results.

Audiovisual Virtual Worlds made in Aachen

Virtual reality (VR) is increasingly becoming a powerful and realistic tool for scientific and industrial applications. With it, “living” virtual worlds can be created. Users can interact with virtual agents (VAs). Convincing and dialogue-capable VAs are only conceivable through the realistic visual and acoustic reproduction of human behaviour.

In the profile area “Information & Communication Technology”, the Institute for Technical Acoustics and the Teaching and Research Area of Virtual Reality and Immersive Visualisation at RWTH are developing methods and algorithms for an audiovisual simulation of virtual worlds and especially VAs. The special feature here is the prioritisation of acoustic simulation.

The AUDICTIVE priority program, coordinated by RWTH professor Janina Fels, also deals with this topic and brings together the disciplines of cognitive psychology, acoustics and computer science.


Energy-Efficient Artificial Intelligence

A revolution in computer architecture – this is what scientists at RWTH are working on, among others, in the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Profile Area.

Today’s computers are not powerful enough for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications. They consume too much energy for complex pattern recognition tasks. New types of “neuromorphic” computers promise significantly improved energy efficiency and performance: they are based on the architecture of the highly efficient human brain.

The brain handles cognitive applications and pattern recognition much more energy-efficiently than conventional computers. Pattern recognition requires handling very large amounts of data in real time. The analysis of these data sets (Big Data) is a central building block of cognitive functions that dominate all AI applications, such as autonomous driving, the Internet of Things or smart cities


From Hardware Trojan to Blackout

Prof. Leupers, Chair for Software for Systems on Silicon, and Prof. Monti, Chair of Automation of Complex Power Systems at the E.ON Energy Research Center, are researching new cyber security methods for energy networks and microprocessors.

By exploiting security holes in the operating system, attackers are able to take unauthorised control of the system, spy on data or paralyse the system. Recently, there have even been attacks on the hardware of computer systems, especially on the processor. The energy supply is also increasingly targeted by attacks: by manipulating the infrastructure as well as falsifying the measurement results, the regulation of the network can be permanently disrupted.

This problem is to be solved by a “Phasor Management Unit”, which serves to regulate renewable energies in the power grid and withstands attacks. Since the technical possibilities of attackers will continue to improve, the topic of hardware security will remain relevant to research.


Panning Beams and High Data Rates

Mobile internet: the possibility of surfing on the move with high quality and speed. This is leading to a growing demand for higher data transfer rates. To this end, mobile network operators are expanding their networks and introducing new mobile radio standards. Compliance with immission protection limits for high-frequency electromagnetic fields is of decisive importance here.

Scientists at the Institute of High Frequency Technology at RWTH Aachen University are conducting research to determine and estimate the immission caused by new mobile radio technologies. The focus is on the compatibility of immissions of electromagnetic fields with the environment and especially with humans. One of the new technical possibilities is the use of massive “multiple input multiple output”.

With this, signals can be strongly bundled and radiated in so-called beams. In this way, users can be supplied with high signal strengths up to the edge of the radio cell and at the same time the interference of other users can be reduced.


Source: ICT Science Magazine – You can find more information on these topics there.

Future cluster NeuroSys – Interview with Professor Lemme

April 6th, 2021 | by

The future cluster initiative “Clusters4Future” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research promotes innovations that go hand in hand with the growing needs of our society. One of the winners of this ideas competition is the cluster “NeuroSys – Neuromorphic Hardware for Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Systems”, which is coordinated by Prof. Dr. -Ing. Max Christian Lemme from the Chair of Electronic Components. The future cluster “NeuroSys” researches adaptive and energy-efficient hardware that is oriented towards the way the brain works. The goal behind this is to allow intelligent and resource-saving on-site data processing and thus create an essential prerequisite for AI applications.

Watch the interview on this page or directly on our YouTube Channel