Katharina Uhlig
17 Jul 2023
CO2For-IT: A data room for the timber industry with a focus on climate protectionAllgemein + Energie und Umwelt + Information, Kommunikation und Elektronik
07 Jul 2023
MedIT looks back on 20 years of history -
28 Jun 2023
New Perspectives for Communication Technology: A German-Japanese Partnership -
17 Jun 2023
Energy Park Herzogenrath: Chair of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems is involved in research -
16 Jun 2023
Climate protection through electrical engineering – Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer’s lecture at the Children’s UniversityAllgemein + Energie und Umwelt + SchülerInnen/Studieninteressierte + Veranstaltungen
08 Jun 2023
Neuroscience simulators of the future: How a new approach is taking research to the next level -
16 Feb 2023
Encouraging women to take up MINT professions – support for ZDF heute journalAllgemein + Information, Kommunikation und Elektronik + Informationstechnische Systeme + Medizintechnik + Mikro- und Nanoeletronik + SchülerInnen/Studieninteressierte
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
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