
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Good Education of RWTH Students in CHE Ranking

June 2nd, 2020 | by

CHE Ranking 2020

The Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) examined the study programmes industrial engineering and business administration and rated the training as very good.

The CHE ranking showed again this year that the students at the RWTH Aachen are very well educated. The subjects Business Administration and Industrial Engineering and Management were examined in the four disciplines Civil Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials and Process Engineering. The results base on how students evaluate their course programme. Afterwards, all results are put in relation with the results of other universities.

The ranking is based on surveys of students regarding the equipment of the university and the teaching staff. The students of the RWTH Aachen University were particularly satisfied with the organization of their courses of study as well as the equipment of the university. The study situation also seemed to be good for the students; the Industrial Engineering and Management with a specialisation in Electrical Power Engineering achieved a 2.1. In addition, the students appreciated the good support they received at the start of their studies in the form of advice, tutorials and courses to build up competence.

The high number of students in the Industrial Engineering and Management department who complete their studies in a maximum of one semester more than the standard period of study is particularly noteworthy.

Ventilator for intensive care in crisis areas

May 13th, 2020 | by

Ventilator for intensive care in emergency areas: humanitarian project of members and partners of the RWTH Aachen

Picture of Prototype Peoples Ventilator

Copyright: AC4health gUG

  The corona pandemic poses enormous challenges for medical care even in highly developed countries. Catastrophic conditions are looming in developing countries. Against this background, employees, colleagues, and alumni of the RWTH Aachen University around Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. med. Steffen Leonhardt have come together to develop a ventilator that is medically suitable for ventilating COVID-19 patients in intensive care units over several weeks. Thus, this initiative complements the numerous other projects and devices aimed at short-term emergency care, e.g. on the way to the hospital. The PV1000 device is being developed in cooperation with intensive care physicians at the Aachen University Hospital, taking into account aspects relevant to approval. To finance and manufacture the devices, which are to be made available free of charge to hospitals in emergency areas, the non-profit association AC4Health was founded, which will accept donations, components, and cooperation offers with immediate effect.

The disease COVID-19 leads to various supply shortages around the globe, which motivates more and more people to alleviate the need through voluntary work. Thus, five weeks ago, around the experienced developers of respiratory equipment, Professor Steffen Leonhardt and Dr. Marian Walter, not only numerous employees of their own chair for medical information technology (MedIT), but also of the chair for computer science 11, the chair for medical technology (mediTEC), the institute for motor vehicles (ika) and the business fka GmbH gathered. They all share the goal of making a life-saving contribution to mastering this global medical challenge by developing and manufacturing a ventilator for intensive care medicine.

The Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) is also involved in the production of complex components, and the Institute for Fluid Power Systems and Controls (IfAS) provides advice. Furthermore, the Clinic for Operative Intensive Medicine and Intermediate Care (OIM) is involved with regard to medical usability and testing. Operationally, the companies Mindmotiv GmbH supports Mindmotiv in testing and SurgiTAIX AG in quality management to ensure the highest possible degree of maturity of the ventilator.

The intensive voluntary work, also on weekends, has paid off: at least one technical solution variant has been developed and tested for all relevant components of the PV1000 ventilator, so that the overall concept is now being defined, taking into account the availability of critical components. The project has now entered the operational phase, as the specification has been finalized, components procured and the actual device can be designed and built. For this purpose, the company AC4health gUG was founded last Thursday, which fulfills the strict criteria of a non-profit organization to enable the realization of the device on the basis of donations and grants. In the first step, 1,000 devices are to be built and shipped to affected regions with political or private support.

Further information on this humanitarian project can be found on the product website of the PV1000

Professor Dr. Haris Gačanin is the newest Professor at our Faculty

May 7th, 2020 | by
Prof. Dr. Haris Gacanin with Rektor Prof. Rüdiger

Copyright: Press Department of RWTH

In April 2020, Professor Dr. Haris Gačanin joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of RWTH Aachen University as a head of the Chair for Distributed Signal Processing and as Co-director of the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems.

After receiving MS.c. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tohoku University in Japan, he joined the university as a Research Fellow of Japan Society for Promotion of Science and later as an Assistant Professor. Before joining our faculty, he was a Department Head at Nokia Bell Labs and adjunct teaching professor at KU Leuven in Belgium.

Now, we are proud to welcome him as a member of our faculty.

I feel privileged and honored to become a professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of RWTH. With new colleagues and brilliant students I will strive to establish our faculty as the leader in next-generation communication technologies and create a world where everyone, information, and goods can be accessed anywhere in an ultra-real experience without being constrained to space and time.

– Professor Dr. Haris Gačanin

New Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy for Aachen

May 6th, 2020 | by

Logo Fraunhofer SocietyEven in challenging times, future crises must be addressed:
How can the challenges for the energy sector and the energy-intensive industry resulting from the coal phase-out be mastered?

Scientists at the new Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy in Aachen are researching answers to these questions. This week the starting signal was given for the construction of the center (construction work is expected to start in 2022 on the Melaten campus). Under the leadership of Fraunhofer FIT, our chairs Automation of Complex Power Systems (Prof. Monti) and Active Energy Distribution Networks (provisionally Prof. Moser) are also involved.
According to Prof. Wehrspohn, Fraunhofer Executive Board member responsible for technology marketing and business models, this launch will make an important contribution to the innovation-oriented structural change in the Rhenish region. The aim is to lay the foundations for technically reliable, hacker-proof and economically attractive digitalized energy infrastructures in the Rhenish mining area and to put them into operation.

You find more information on the website of Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy

Second Place QS Worldranking 2020

March 10th, 2020 | by

Second place for electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University among German faculties in worldwide ranking

In the current QS World University Ranking 2020, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University is among the top 40 universities evaluated in the worldwide ranking with rank 34. While in the years 2015-2017 the faculty was still ranked between 51 and 100, since 2018 the faculty is among the top 50 in an international comparison. In comparison to other german universities, the faculty is in second place.

Decisive for the rankings are opinions of scientists, employers, as well as data on citations and the H-Index. The almost unchanged results once again confirm the high reputation of our faculty.

Teaching Award 2019 Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer

February 5th, 2020 | by
Professor Sauer

Foto: ISEA

Prof. Dr. Dirk Uwe Sauer was awarded the RWTH Teaching Award in the “Lecturer” category. RWTH Aachen has been awarding a teaching prize since 2001 to honor outstanding achievements in teaching at the university. The award recognizes the redesign of the electrical engineering 1 lecture. The award ceremony took place as part of RWTHtransparent on January 31, 2020.

The ISEA is pleased to receive this special award, which also recognizes the work of the employees who contribute to the design of the lecture, the exercises and the exam every semester. Thanks also go to the HiWis, the student council, the media office for teaching and many others Faculty and central university administration services.

Mr. Hoog Antink, PhD. is the new member of Junges Kolleg NRW

January 21st, 2020 | by

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hoog Antink began studying electrical engineering and information technology at RWTH Aachen University in 2005. In 2018, he received his doctorate as Dr.-Ing. at the Chair of Medical Information Technology and has since then been head of the Medical Signal Processing group as a senior engineer.

As one of 7 new scholarship holders of the Junges Kolleg, he will receive an annual grant of 10,000 Euro for a period of four years. Furthermore, he participates in the life of the Academy, which enables him to discuss his projects in interdisciplinary working groups and to exchange ideas with renowned members of the Academy. In order to be appointed to the Junges Kolleg, scientists and scholars of all disciplines and artists must have already made outstanding scientific achievements in addition to their doctorate and not yet hold a permanent university teaching position. Furthermore, members must not be older than 36 years at the time of admission.

Dr. Hoog Antink has described his field of research and his intentions as follows:

“I am researching signal and data processing in medical technology. I use a wide variety of signal sources, from one-dimensional modalities such as ECG and blood pressure curves to multidimensional video data. I am interested in how robustness can be increased by intelligently combining information from different sources. In practice, sensor fusion can be used to reduce false alarms in intensive care units. Another field of research is the development of contactless measurement technology. Contactless measurement data are often more susceptible to interference and offer special optimization potential through sensor fusion. Vital parameters can be determined contactless using several cameras, whose data are analyzed using current machine learning methods. Here I use cooperation with neonatology and geriatric medicine to increase comfort and freedom of movement for both patient groups and to minimize skin damage and the risk of infection”.

Project upBUS

January 8th, 2020 | by

The television format SAT1.NRW just reported about the “upBUS” project, a collaboration of the Chair of High Frequency Electronics and the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design.

The scientists conduct research focussing on a public means of transport, combining the advantages of bus and cableway. The aim is to avoid and decrease inner city traffic jams as efficient as possible with the help of the autonomously driving upBUS. RWTH’s research team plans to implant the project in the city of Essen three years from now.

More information are given in an interview by a member of the research team of the Chair of High Frequency Electronics, David Bierbüsse.

The complete report can be watched on the homgepage of SAT1.NRW.